DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 04 · Volume 60 · 1988 DOI: 10.1055/s-008-39711

Original Article

Barrowcliffe, T W; Curtis, A D; Johnson, E A; Thomas, D P: An International Standard for Low Molecular Weight Heparin
Chediak, J; Eldridge, J; Bergmann, F; Sobel, D; Baron, J; Maxey, B; Telfer, M C: Further Evidence of von Willebrand Factor Involvement in Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Purpura
Colucci, M; Altomare, D F; Chetta, G; Triggiani, R; Cavallo, L G; Semeraro, N: Impaired Fibrinolysis in Obstructive Jaundice - Evidence from Clinical and Experimental Studies
Bastida, Eva; Monteagudo, Juan; Ordinas, Antonio; Marco, Luigi De; Castillo, Ricardo: Asialo von Willebrand Factor Enhances Platelet Adhesion to Vessel Subendothelium
Mandelbrot, L; Guillaumont, M; Leclercq, M; Lefrère, J J; Gozin, D; Daffos, F; Forestier, F: Placental Transfer of Vitamin K1 and Its Implications in Fetal Hemostasis
Chamberlain, K G; Froebel, M; Macpherson, J; Penington, D G: Morphometric Analysis of Density Subpopulations of Normal Human Platelets
Han, P; Koay, E S C; Tsakok, M; Aw, T C; Wong, L Y; Pradhan, M: Altered Fibrinolysis in DVT: Influence of Site of Sampling
Cariou, Roger; Tobelem, Gérard; Bellucci, Sylvia; Soria, Jeannette; Soria, Claudine; Maclouf, Jacques; Caen, Jacques: Effect of Lupus Anticoagulant on Antithrombogenic Properties of Endothelial Cells - Inhibition of Thrombomodulin-Dependent Protein C Activation
Oudinet, Jean-Paul; Sraer, Josée; Bens, Marcelle; Ardaillou, Raymond: Influence of Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes on the Metabolism of Arachidonate in Human Platelets
Berg, E A van den; Sprengers, E D; Jaye, M; Burgess, W; Maciag, T; Hinsbergh, V W M van: Regulation of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 mRNA in Human Endothelial Cells
Modderman, Piet W; Huisman, Han G; Mourik, Jan A van; Borne, Albert E G Kr von dem: A Monoclonal Antibody to the Human Platelet Glycoprotein II b/III a Complex Induces Platelet Activation
Grigorova-Borsos, A M; Bara, L; Aberer, E; Grochulski, A; André, J; Mozère, G; Peyroux, J; Sternberg, M: Aging and Diabetes Increase the Aggregating Potency of Rat Skin Collagen Towards Normal Platelets
Haarlem, L J M van; Knapen, M H J; Hamulyák, K; Vermeer, C: Circulating Osteocalcin During Oral Anticoagulant Therapy
Gordge, M P; Faint, R W; Rylance, P B; Neild, G H: Platelet Function and the Bleeding Time in Progressive Renal Failure
Harris, Roy; Frade, Louis Garcia; Creighton, Lesley J; Gascoine, Paul S; Alexandroni, Maher M; Poole, Stephen; Gaffney, Patrick J: Investigation by HPLC of the Catabolism of Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator in the Rat
Engesser, Luzia; Koopman, Jaap; Munk, Gé de; Haverkate, Frits; Novéková, Irena; Verheijen, Jan H; Briët, Ernest; Brommer, Emile J P: Fibrinogen Nijmegen : Congenital Dysfibrinogenemia Associated with Impaired t-PA Mediated Plasminogen Activation and Decreased Binding of t-PA

Letter to the Editor

Moore, Phillip K; Hussaini, Isa; Bhardwaj, Renu: Sulphasalazine Increases Fibrinolysis in the Anaesthetised Rat
Boyer-Neumann, Catherine; Wolf, Martine; Amiral, Jean; Guyader, Anne-Marie; Meyer, Dominique; Larrieu, Marie-Jo: Familial Type I Protein S Deficiency Associated with Severe Venous Thrombosis - A Study of Five Cases