DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 01 · Volume 49 · 1983 DOI: 10.1055/s-008-40752

Original Article

Girot, R; Jaubert, F; Leon, M; Bellon, B; Aiach, M; Josso, F; Lepelletier, O; Beguin, S; Monnet, J-P: Albumin, Fibrinogen, Prothrombin and Antithrombin III Variations in Blood, Urines and Liver in Rat Nephrotic Syndrome (Heymann Nephritis)
van Oost, Bernard A; Veldhuyzen, Bernard; Timmermans, Ans P M; Sixma, Jan J: Increased Urinary β-Thromboglobulin Excretion in Diabetes Assayed with a Modified RIA Kit-Technique
Verheugt, F W; Serruys, P W; Vliet, H van; Spijkers, A; Hugenholtz, P G: Intracoronary Platelet Release in Patients with and without Coronary Artery Disease
Zucker, M B; Soberano, M E; Johnson, A J; Fulton, A J; Kowalski, S; Adler, M: The In Vitro Association of Antihemophilic Factor and von Willebrand Factor
Dhall, T Z; Shah, G A; Ferguson, I A; Dhall, D P: Fibrin Network Structure: Modification by Platelets
Kopitsky, Robert G; Switzer, Mary Ellen P; Williams, R Sanders; McKee, Patrick A: The Basis for the Increase in Factor VIII Procoagulant Activity During Exercise

Letter to the Editor

Stratta, P; Canavese, C; Peiretti, F; Vallauri, P; Vercellone, A: Warning: Platelet Factor 4, Beta-Thromboglobulin and Thromboxane in Donor's Plasma Units