DOI: 10.1055/s-00033348

Journal of Clinical Interventional Radiology ISVIR

Ausgabe 02 · Volume 02 · August 2018 DOI: 10.1055/s-008-41246


Keshava, Shyamkumar N.; Shah, Hriday: Information at Fingertips

Original Article

Inbaraj, Alfred; Keshava, Shyamkumar Nidugala; Moses, Vinu; Koshy, George; Ahmed, Munawwar; Mammen, Suraj; Selvaraj, Dheepak; Premkumar, Prabhu; Gupta, Ashish Kumar; Agarwal, Sunil: Sodium Tetradecyl Sulfate Sclerotherapy for Venous Malformation of the Tongue: A Single-Center Experience

Review Article

Pictorial Essay

Shin, David S.; Magill, David B.; Johnson, Guy E.; Ingraham, Christopher R.; Kogut, Matthew J.; Monroe, Eric J.: Upper Extremity Catheter Angiography: Indications, Techniques, Anatomy, and Classic Cases

Case Report

Letter to the Editor

Singhal, Soumil; Kundaragi, Nischal; Jaganathan, Sriram; Uthappa, M. C.; Sebastian, Bibin: Inadvertent Dialysis Catheter—An Interventional Bailout!
Singhal, Soumil; Madhurkar, Rohit; Rao, Krishna Shama; Sebastian, Bibin; Uthappa, M. C.: Role of Preoperative Embolization for Hypervascular Cherubism

Short Communication

Singh, Manu K.; Braverman, Stuart E.; Hartzman, Steve; Lee, Arthur: Direct Parastomal Percutaneous Embolization for Bleeding Stomal Varices