DOI : 10.1055/s-00000034

Klinische Pädiatrie

Ausgabe 03 · Volume 231 · Mai 2019 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-43028

Kind-Philipp-Stiftung für pädiatrisch-onkologische Forschung
32. Jahrestagung der Kind-Philipp-Stiftung für pädiatrisch onkologische Forschung
Wilsede, 05.–07.06.2019

Wissenschaftliche Leitung: Prof. Dr. Jan-Henning Klusmann, Martin-Luther-Univsersität Halle-Wittenberg Prof. Dr. Martin Stanulla, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover Prof. Dr. Rolf Marschalek, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt (Main) Prof. Dr. Olaf Heidenreich, Prinses Máxima Centrum voor Kinderoncologie, Utrecht, Niederlande

Zanetti, SR; Velazco-Hernandez, T; Gutierrez-Agüera, F; Roca-Ho, H; Sánchez-Martínez, D; Petazzi, P; Torres, R; Molina, O; Torrebadell-Burriel, M; Vidriales-Vicente, MB; Hrusak, O; Fuster, JL; Juan, M; Bueno, C; Menéndez, P: CD19 and CD22-directed biespecific CAR for B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Molina, O; Bueno, C; Bosch, A; Granada, I; Roca-Ho, H; Gutierrez-Agüera, F; Tirados, S; Pal, D; Ballerini, P; deBoer, M; Plensa, I; Calasanz, MJ; Rodríguez, R; Camos, M; Calvo, M; Menendez, P: Chromosome structure and mitotic defects are major pathogenic mechanisms in hyperdiploid childhood B-ALL
Torres-Ruiz, R; Bueno, C; Velasco-Hernandez, T; Roca-Ho, H; Gutierrez-Aguera, F; Quintana, O; Segovia, JC; Roy, A; Rodriguez-Perales, S; Menendez, P: CRISPR-mediated genome editing of t(4;11) in human prenatal and perinatal hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells
Bueno, C; Tejedor, JR; Bashford-Rogers, R; Gonzalez Silva, L; Valdés-Mas, R; Fraga, MF; Fernandez, A; Ballerini, P; Varela, I; Menendez, P: Evolutionary trajectories and cell-of-origin of TCF3-ZNF384&PTPN11 mutations in monozygotic twins with concordant B-ALL
Tauchmann, S; Almosailleakh, M; Leonards, K; Otzen Bagger, F; Juge, S; Thirant, C; Méreau, H; Peters, AHFM; Mercher, T; Schwaller, J: Inactivation of Nsd1 impairs terminal erythroid maturation and induces erythroleukemia
Zierk, J; Rauh, M; Frömmel, C; Nöllke, P; Niemeyer, CM; Metzler, M: Machine learning algorithms for the automated classification of pediatric anemia
Krumbholz, M; Goerlitz, K; Albert, C; Lawlor, J; Volz, C; Suttorp, M; Metzler, M: Large amplicon droplet digital PCR for DNA-based monitoring of pediatric chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)
Metzler, M; Diets, IJ; Hoyer, J; Wegert, J; Graf, N; Vokuhl, C; Gessler, M; Kuiper, RP; Jongmans, MCJ: TRIM28 haploinsufficiency predisposes to Wilms tumor
Luciano, V; Heering, J; Proschak, E; Marschalek, R: Screening assay to identify potential Taspase1 inhibitors
Mittapalli, VR; Andrieux, G; Hochrein, J; Vukicevic, V; Kratz, CP; Niemeyer, CM; Börries, M; Erlacher, M: Mutational and transcriptomic landscapes in hematopoietic cells of Fanconi anemia patients
Koleci, N; Wu, Y; Mittapalli, VR; Bohler, S; Molnar, C; Weiss, JM; Erlacher, M: Analyzing the effects of oncogenic SHP2 on apoptosis signaling during malignant transformation
Wu, Y; Koleci, N; Gallego-Villar, L; Mittapalli, VR; Bohler, S; Erlacher, M: Analyzing the therapeutic efficacy of navitoclax and MCL-1 inhibitors in juvenile myelomonyctic leukemia
Weiss, JM; Mittapalli, VM; Molnar, C; Schmitt, I; Andrieux, G; Gonzalez, I; Börries, M; Quintanilla-Martinez, L; Niemeyer, CM; Erlacher, M: Too little is too much: Leukemogenesis in the Gata2 syndrome
Troschke-Meurer, S; Siebert, N; Marx, M; Zumpe, M; Ehlert, K; Loibner, H; Ladenstein, R: Low regulatory T-cells are associated with improved survival of neuroblastoma patients treated with anti-GD2 antibodies
Marx, M; Troschke-Meurer, S; Zumpe, M; Lode, H; Siebert, N: Blockade of suppressive myeloid cells is effective against neuroblastoma
Lein, P; Volkmer, I; Alejo-Valle, O; Klusmann, JH; Staege, MS: Identification of a new splice variant of the human transcription factor ONECUT2
Bräuer-Hartmann, D; Gialesaki, S; Labuhn, M; Heckl, D; Klusmann, JH: Identification of GATA1 s interaction partners in Down syndrome-associated myeloid leukemia
Alejo-Valle, O; Labuhn, M; Emmrich, E; Ng, M; Heckl, D; Klusmann, JH: Cooperativity between miR-125b and Gata1 s in the pathogenesis of Down syndrome-associated myeloid leukemia
Bhayadia, R; Ng, M; Dirk, H; Klusmann, JH: Deciphering the role of lncRNAs in pediatric AML
Vu-Han, TL; Lam, FC; van de Kooij, B; Bandopadhayay, P; Beroukhim, R; Sarkaria, J; Horstmann, M; Yaffe, MB: Interrogating the Role of Chromatin Regulator BRD4 in the DNA Damage Response in Medulloblastoma
Hinze, L; Pfirrmann, M; Karim, S; Degar, J; Bauer, DE; Gregory, RI; Stanulla, M; Wagner, F; Stegmaier, K; Gutierrez, A: Synthetic Lethality of Wnt Pathway Activation and Asparaginase in Drug-Resistant Acute Leukemias
Decker, M; Schlegelberger, B; Illig, T; Ripperger, T: Functional characterization of RUNX1 variants in the context of FPDMM
Vollmer, J; Ecker, J; Hielscher, T; Oehme, I; Oppermann, S; Peterziel, H; Witt, O; Milde, T: Functional analysis of class I HDAC inhibition in group 3 medulloblastoma to identify synergistic drug combinations
Buellesbach, A; Johann, PD; Lappalainen, K; Okonechnikov, K; Jones, DTW; Pfister, SM; Hasselblatt, M; Kool, M: Mapping the single cell transcriptome reveals the cellular composition of ATRT subgroups
Müller, J; Fedders, B; Cario, G; Schrappe, M; Schewe, D; Möricke, A; Lilljebjörn, H; Fioretos, T; Zimmermann, M; Stanulla, M: Stratification and prognosis of IGH-DUX4 positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children
Spory, L; Lenk, L; Winterberg, D; Alsadeq, A; Carlet, M; Jeremias, I; Cario, G; Schrappe, M; Vossen-Gajcy, M; Schewe, DM: FOS and FOSB are linked with CNS-infiltration and inferior prognosis in childhood T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Heymann, J; Vogiatzi, F; Rösner, T; Lenk, L; Cario, G; Schrappe, M; Valerius, T; Peipp, M; Kellner, C; Schewe, DM: Venetoclax enhances the efficacy of therapeutic antibodies in B-cell malignancies
Clesham, KJ; Gasparoli, L; Virely, C; Cantilena, S; De Boer, J; Williams, O: Targeting c-MYB in Acute Leukaemia through Drug Repositioning
Looi-Somoye, R; Cantilena, S; Williams, O; de Boer, J: Drug Repositioning in Infant Leukaemia
Moorthy, S; Bomken, S; Ponthan, F; Pal, D; Elder, A; Nakjang, S; Grinev, V; Vormoor, J: Splicing factors of the SF3b complex PHF5A and SF3B1 regulate the DNA damage response in ALL
Shi, Y; Beckett, M; Blair, H; Tirtakusuma, R; Nakjang, S; Enshaei, A; Heidenreich, O; Krippner-Heidenreich, A; Van Delft, F: Dasatinib and Dexamethasone offer a novel therapeutic strategy for T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia
Szoltysek, K; Dormon, K; Blair, H; Tirtakusuma, R; Dodd, C; Law, E; Nakjang, S; Pal, D; Vormoor, J; Heidenreich, O: Genome-wide CRISPR screen in patient derived cells reveals the mechanism of ALL chemoresistance
Tirtakusuma, R; Milne, P; Ptasinska, A; Williamson, D; Blair, H; Meyer, C; Marschalek, R; Bonifer, C; Bomken, S; Heidenreich, O: Genomic characterisation of lineage switched MLL-rearranged leukemias
Ritter, MU; Klimenkova, O; Klimiankou, M; Schmidt, A; Stocking, C; Kanz, L; Zeidler, C; Link, DC; Welte, K; Skokowa, J: Downstream effect of CSF3R and RUNX1 mutations that underlie leukemic transformations in congenital neutropenia (CN)
Nasri, M; Dannenmann, B; Ritter, M; Mir, P; Xu, Y; Klimiankou, M; Zeidler, C; Kanz, L; Welte, K; Skokowa, J: CRISPR/Cas9 Gene-modification Platform of ELANE Mutations in iPSCs and HSPCs of Severe Congenital Neutropenia Patients
Dannenmann, B; Klimiankou, M; Mardan, J; Oswald, B; Solovyeva, A; Ritter, M; Kanz, L; Zeidler, C; Welte, K; Skokowa, J: iPSC Model of Stepwise Leukemia Development in Congenital Neutropenia Reveals BAALC as a Key Mediator of Leukemogenesis
Mir, P; Klimiankou, M; Nasri, M; Dannenmann, B; Findik, B; Rieger, M; Kanz, L; Zeidler, C; Welte, K; Skokowa, J: GADD45b plays an essential role in the G-CSF triggered granulocytic differentiation of human hematopoietic cells
Morishima, T; Krahl, AC; Xu, Y; Aghaallaei, N; Nasri, M; Findik, B; Bajoghli, B; Müller, P; Welte, K; Skokowa, J: NAMPT-mediated LMO2 deacetylation is indispensable for hematopoiesis and T-ALL leukemogenesis
Bell, H; Lalnunhlimi, S; Green, M; Van Delft, F; Krippner-Heidenreich, A: Tumour Necrosis Factor receptor (TNFR)-signalling dependent killing in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (T-ALL)
Gerber, T; Taschner-Mandl, S; Buder, A; Saloberger, L; Berneder, M; Brunner-Herglotz, B; Ziegler, A; Ladenstein, R; Ambros, IM; Ambros, PF: Liquid biopsy in neuroblastoma: cfDNA analysis for sensitive follow-up monitoring and early relapse detection