DOI: 10.1055/s-00000017

Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes

Issue 08 · Volume 127 · September 2019 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-44041


Groener, Jan Benedikt; Oikonomou, Dimitrios; Cheko, Ruan; Kender, Zoltan; Zemva, Johanna; Kihm, Lars; Muckenthaler, Martina; Peters, Verena; Fleming, Thomas; Kopf, Stefan; Nawroth, Peter P.: Methylglyoxal and Advanced Glycation End Products in Patients with Diabetes – What We Know so Far and the Missing Links


Argyrakopoulou, Georgia; Kontrafouri, Paraskevi; Eleftheriadou, Ioanna; Kokkinos, Alexander; Arapostathi, Christina; Kyriaki, Despoina; Perrea, Despoina; Revenas, Constantinos; Katsilambros, Nicholas; Tentolouris, Nicholas: The Effect of the Oral Administration of Leucine on Endothelial Function, Glucose and Insulin Concentrations in Healthy Subjects
Méan, Marie; Waeber, Gérard; Marques-Vidal, Pedro: Do Hospital Doctors Screen for Diabetes?
Pheiffer, Carmen; Dias, Stephanie; Willmer, Tarryn; Pace, Ryan; Aagaard, Kjersti; Louw, Johan: Altered microRNA expression during Impaired Glucose Tolerance and High-fat Diet Feeding
Kim, Ja Hye; Seo, Go Hun; Kim, Gu-Hwan; Huh, Juyoung; Hwang, Il Tae; Jang, Ja-Hyun; Yoo, Han-Wook; Choi, Jin-Ho: Targeted Gene Panel Sequencing for Molecular Diagnosis of Kallmann Syndrome and Normosmic Idiopathic Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
Amor, Melina; Itariu, Bianca K.; Moreno-Viedma, Veronica; Keindl, Magdalena; Jürets, Alexander; Prager, Gerhard; Langer, Felix; Grablowitz, Viktor; Zeyda, Maximilian; Stulnig, Thomas M.: Serum Myostatin is Upregulated in Obesity and Correlates with Insulin Resistance in Humans

Methods and Techniques