DOI: 10.1055/s-00042133

European Journal of Dentistry

Issue S 01 · Volume 07 · September 2013 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-44292

Original Article

Bruschi Alonso, Roberta Caroline; Carvalho de Souza-Júnior, Eduardo José; Dressano, Diogo; Spagnolo de Araújo, Giovana Albamonte; Ces Rodriguez, José Manuel; Hipólito, Vinícius Di; Anauate-Netto, Camillo; Puppin-Rontani, Regina Maria; Coelho Sinhoreti, Mario Alexandre: Effect of photoinitiator concentration on marginal and internal adaptation of experimental composite blends photocured by modulated methods
Ozcan, Suat; Yikilgan, Ihsan; Uctasli, Mine Betul; Bala, Oya; Bek Kurklu, Zeliha Gonca: Comparison of time-dependent changes in the surface hardness of different composite resins
Kouros, Pantelis; Koliniotou-Koumpia, Eugenia; Koulaouzidou, Elisabeth; Helvatjoglu-Antoniades, Maria; Tziafas, Dimitrios: Pulp response to dentine adhesives: A study on mature human pulps
Ceyhanli, K. Tolga; Turkun, Murat; Erdilek, Necdet; Peskersoy, Cem; Kose, Timur: Evaluation of the apical adaptation performance of various root canal instruments
Tak, Mridula; Nagarajappa, Ramesh; Sharda, Archana J; Asawa, Kailash; Tak, Aniruddh; Jalihal, Sagar; Kakatkar, Gauri: Prevalence of malocclusion and orthodontic treatment needs among 12-15 years old school children of Udaipur, India
Karaman, Emel; Yazici, A. Ruya; Aksoy, Burak; Karabulut, Erdem; Ozgunaltay, Gul; Dayangac, Berrin: Effect of operator variability on microleakage with different adhesive systems
Iz, Sultan Gulce; Ertugrul, Fahinur; Eden, Ece; Gurhan, S. Ismet Deliloglu: Biocompatibility of glass ionomer cements with and without chlorhexidine
Demirbuga, Sezer; Tuncay, Oznur; Cantekin, Kenan; Cayabatmaz, Muhammed; Dincer, Asiye Nur; Kilinc, Halil İbrahim; Sekerci, Ahmet Ercan: Frequency and distribution of early tooth loss and endodontic treatment needs of permanent first molars in a Turkish pediatric population

Case Report

Halicioglu, Koray; Sahin, Hakan; Corekci, Bayram; Irgin, Celal; Toptas, Orcun: Isolated oligodontia in monozygotic twins

Review Article

Nalcaci, Ruhi; Cokakoglu, Serpil: Lasers in orthodontics
Tarakji, Bassel; Baroudi, Kusai; Hanouneh, Salah; Azzeghaiby, Saleh Naser; Nassani, Mohammad Zakaria: Possible recurrence of keratocyst in nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome: A review of literature
Mohammadi, Zahed; Shalavi, Sousan; Jafarzadeh, Hamid: Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid in endodontics