DOI: 10.1055/s-00042863

Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery

Ausgabe 02 · Volume 52 · Mai 2019 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-44617


Icon of the Issue

Systematic Review

Zapata-Copete, James A.; Cordoba-Wagner, Maria Juliana; García-Perdomo, Herney Andrés: Role of Music in a Plastic Surgery Setting: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Original Article

Benanti, Elisa; Starnoni, Marta; Spaggiari, Antonio; Pinelli, Massimo; De Santis, Giorgio: Objective Selection Criteria between ALT and Radial Forearm Flap in Oral Soft Tissues Reconstruction
Bhardwaj, Praveen; Muddappa, Poonacha Puchimada; Bindesh, Dadi; Sabapathy, Shanmuganathan Raja: Evaluation of Extensor Pollicis Brevis as a Recipient of Tendon Transfer for Thumb Extension
Balakrishnan, T. M.; Subbaraj, Harsha; Jaganmohan, J.: Anatomy of Landsmeer Ligaments—Redefined
Rajan, Sheeja; Sathyan, Ranjith; Sreelesh, L. S.; Kallerey, Anu Anto; Antharjanam, Aarathy; Sumitha, Raj; Sundar, Jinchu; John, Ronnie Johnson; Soumya, S.: Objective Assessment of Microsurgery Competency—In Search of a Validated Tool
Agarwal, Pawan; Sharma, Dhananjaya; Wankhede, Sudesh; Jain, P. C.; Agrawal, N. L.: Sciatic Nerve to Pudendal Nerve Transfer: Anatomical Feasibility for a New Proposed Technique

Review Article

Case Report

Spaggiari, Antonio; Benanti, Elisa; Starnoni, Marta; Sala, Pietro; Baccarani, Alessio; Santis, Giorgio De: Lower Lip and Chin Reconstruction with Functional Myocutaneous Gracilis Flap

Letters to the Editor

Lucano, Luis Rene González; Brambila, Francisco Javier de la Peña; Pérez, Juan Eduardo; Rosales, Paola Hernández: Customized Low-Cost 3D Printed Helmet as a Temporary Measure for a Patient with Acrania
Katrolia, Deepti; Mandal, Dhritashree; Anand, Kaushal Priya; Jharia, Kamlesh; Kumari, Neelam; Roy, Collin: Reconstruction of Brown’s Tumor of the Mandible with Fibula Osteocutaneous Flap
Gupta, Saurabh; Kumar, S. Dinesh; Mohapatra, Devi Prasad; Subbarayan, Elan Kumar: A Rare Pattern of Median Nerve Branching in the Hand
