DOI: 10.1055/s-00000029

Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery

Issue 09 · Volume 35 · November 2019 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-44656

Letter to the Editor


Amador, Ricardo O.; Sood, Ravi F.; Wilkens, Suzanne; Gottlieb, Rachel; Chen, Neal C.; Eberlin, Kyle R.: Corrigendum: Longitudinal Microsurgery Laboratory Training during Hand Surgery Fellowship

Invited Review

Colakoglu, Salih; Tebockhorst, Seth; Chong, Tae W.; Mathes, David W.: Patient Safety in Microvascular Plastic Surgery

Original Article

Amador, Ricardo O.; Sood, Ravi F.; Wilkens, Suzanne; Gottlieb, Rachel; Chen, Neal C.; Eberlin, Kyle R.: Longitudinal Microsurgery Laboratory Training during Hand Surgery Fellowship
Lee, Z-Hye; Abdou, Salma A.; Daar, David A.; Anzai, Lavinia; Stranix, John T.; Thanik, Vishal; Levine, Jamie P.; Saadeh, Pierre B.: Comparing Outcomes for Fasciocutaneous versus Muscle Flaps in Foot and Ankle Free Flap Reconstruction
Cooper, Michael N.; Daneshgaran, Giulia; Yu, Roy; Chang, Jeff; Vartanian, Emma; Shamsunder, Meghana; Mehrara, Babak J.; Matros, Evan M.; Wong, Alex K.: Analysis of the Microsurgery Match from 2014 to 2018 Reveals Increased Competition for Microsurgery Fellowship Positions
Gentileschi, Stefano; Servillo, Maria; De Bonis, Francesca; Albanese, Roberta; Pino, Valentina; Mangialardi, Maria Lucia; Valente, Iacopo; Garganese, Giorgia; Scambia, Giovanni; Salgarello, Marzia; Cina, Alessandro: Radioanatomical Study of the Pedicle of the Superficial Circumflex Iliac Perforator Flap
Mauch, Jaclyn T.; Rhemtulla, Irfan A.; Katzel, Evan B.; Hernandez, J. Andres; Broach, Robyn B.; Serletti, Joseph M.: Does Size Matter: Evaluating the Difference between Right and Left Internal Mammary Veins in Free Flap Breast Reconstruction
Karadsheh, Murad J.; Shafqat, M. Shuja; Krupp, James C.; Weiss, Eric S.; Patel, Sameer A.: A Theoretical Model Describing the Dynamics of Venous Flow in the DIEP Flap
Soteropulos, Carol E.; Tang, Sherry Y.Q.; Poore, Samuel O.: Enhanced Recovery after Surgery in Breast Reconstruction: A Systematic Review