DOI: 10.1055/s-00000169

American Journal of Perinatology Reports

Issue 04 · Volume 09 · October 2019 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-44671

Original Article

Limaye, Meghana; Abdullahi, Najma; Has, Phinnara; Danilack, Valery A.; Froehlich, Rosemary; Werner, Erika: Factors Associated with Attempted External Cephalic Version for Fetal Malpresentation at Term
Wellenstein, Whitney L.; Sullivan, Shannon; Darbinian, Jeanne; Ritterman Weintraub, Miranda L.; Greenberg, Mara: Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in Women with Sickle Cell Trait
DeYoung, Tracey H.; Whittington, Julie R.; Ennen, Christopher S.; Poole, Aaron T.: Pyelonephritis in Pregnancy: Relationship of Fever and Maternal Morbidity
Mollazadeh-Moghaddam, Kamyar; Dundek, Michelle; Bellare, Anuj; Borovac-Pinheiro, Anderson; Won, Alice; Burke, Thomas F.: Mechanical Properties of the Every Second Matters for Mothers-Uterine Balloon Tamponade (ESM-UBT) Device: In Vitro Tests

Case Report

Dasani, Megha; Lee, Hwa Jeong; Rijhsinghani, Asha: Deciduoma, a Large Intrauterine Mass of Deciduosis
Iwatani, Ayaka; Miyake, Fumihito; Ishido, Hirotaka; Kanai, Masayo; Ishiguro, Akio; Iwamoto, Yoichi; Kabe, Kazuhiko; Masutani, Satoshi: Postnatal Amelioration of Fetal Right Ventricular Hypoplasia Associated with Large Eustachian Valve: A Case Report
Kajiwara, Kazuhiro; Ishikawa, Satoru; Mori, Takuma; Samura, Osamu; Okamoto, Aikou: Spontaneous Remission of Sick Sinus Syndrome in a Fetus with Pulmonary Stenosis Regurgitation


Wellenstein, Whitney L.; Sullivan, Shannon; Darbinian, Jeanne; Ritterman Weintraub, Miranda L.; Greenberg, Mara: Erratum: Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in Women with Sickle Cell Trait