DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Issue 02 · Volume 73 · 1995 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-45163

Review Article

van Heerde, Waander L; de Groot, Philip G; Reutelingsperger, Chris P M: The Complexity of the Phospholipid Binding Protein Annexin V

Original Article

Clinical Studies

Bolton-Maggs, P H B; Patterson, D A; Wensley, R T; Tuddenham, E G D: Definition of the Bleeding Tendency in Factor XI-Deficient Kindreds–A Clinical and Laboratory Study
Friezner Degen, Sandra J; McDowell, Susan A; Sparks, Leah M; Scharrer, Inge: Prothrombin Frankfurt: A Dysfunctional Prothrombin Characterized by Substitution of Glu-466 by Ala
Genderen, Perry J J Van; Michiels, Jan J; Strik, Roel Van; Lindemans, Jan; Van Vliet, Huub H D M: Platelet Consumption in Thrombocythemia Complicated by Erythromelalgia: Reversal by Aspirin
Guérois, Claude; Laurian, Yves; Rothschild, Chantal; Parquet-Gernez, Armelle; Duclos, Anne-Marie; Négrier, Claude; Vicariot, Monique; Fimbel, Béatrice; Fressinaud, Edith; Fiks-Sigaud, Marianne; Derlon, Annie; Berthier, Anne-Marie; Gaillard, Solange; Bertrand, Marie-Anne: Incidence of Factor VIII Inhibitor Development in Severe Hemophilia A Patients Treated only with One Brand of Highly Purified Plasma-Derived Concentrate


Monreal, Manuel; Monreal, Luis; de Gopegui, Rafael Ruiz; Espada, Yvonne; Angles, Ana Maria; Monasterio, Jasone: Effects of Two Different Doses of Hirudin on APTT, Determined with Eight Different Reagents
Biemond, Bart J; Levi, Marcel; ten Cate, Hugo; Soule, Howard R; Morris, Lori D; Foster, David L; Bogowitz, Cheryl A; van der Poll, Tam; Büller, Harry R; ten cate, Jan Wouter: Complete Inhibition of Endotoxin-Induced Coagulation Activation in Chimpanzees with a Monoclonal Fab Fragment against Factor VII/VIIa
Verbruggen, Bert; Novakova, Irena; Wessels, Hans; Boezeman, Jan; van den Berg, Marijke; Mauser-Bunschoten, Eveline: The Nijmegen Modification of the Bethesda Assay for Factor VIII:C Inhibitors: Improved Specificity and Reliability
Pichler, L; Schramm, W; Ulrich, W; Varadi, K; Schwarz, H P: Antinociceptive Properties of Protein C in a Model of Inflammatory Hyperalgesia in Rats
Nguyen, Nghia D; Ghaddar, Habib; Stinson, Valarie; Chambless, Lloyd E; Wu, Kenneth K; for the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study Investigators: ARIC Hemostasis Study-IV. Intraindividual Variability and Reliability of Hemostatic Factors


Gray, Rosaire P; Mohamed-Ali, Vidya; Patterson, David L H; Yudkin, John S: Determinants of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 Activity in Survivors of Myocardial Infarction
Bezeaud, Annie; de Raucourt, Emmanuelle; Miyata, Toshiyuki; Bouton, Marie-Christine; Angles-Cano, Eduardo; Guillin, Marie-Claude: Limited Proteolysis of Human α-Thrombin by Urokinase Yields a Non-Clotting Enzyme
Rankinen, Tuomo; Väisänen, Sari; Penttilä, llkka; Rauramaa, Rainer: Acute Dynamic Exercise Increases Fibrinolytic Activity


Hamamoto, Kenjiro; Nomura, Shosaku; Suzuki, Masahiko; Ohga, Shigetoshi; Fukuhara, Shirou: Internalization of an Anti-Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Antibody by HEL Cells
Pulcinelli, Fabio M; Daniel, James L; Riondino, Silvia; Gazzaniga, Pier Paolo; Salganicoff, Leon: Fibrinogen Binding Is Independent of an Increase in Intracellular Calcium Concentration in Thrombin Degranulated Platelets

Von Willebrand Factor

Letter to the Editor

Lane, Anne; Green, Fiona; Humphries, Steve; Ruddock, Vera; Meade, Tom: Effect of Factor VII Genotype on Response to Warfarin Treatment
Orbe, I; Páramo, J A; Pinacho, A; Hermida, J; Rocha, E: Plasma Thrombomodulin Is Increased in Cord Blood of Healthy Newborns
Lionnet, François; Pulik, Marc; Genet, Philippe; Lucas, Gérard; Sollet, Jean-Pierre: Acquired Factor VIII Inhibitor Associated with a Prostatic Cancer: Simultaneous Occurrence and Healing
Anderson, S; Cohen, A T; Melissari, E; Scully, M S; Kakkar, V V: Loss of Heparin-Releasable Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor in Patients Undergoing PTCA