DOI: 10.1055/s-00000183

Journal of Wrist Surgery

Ausgabe 06 · Volume 08 · Dezember 2019 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-45219


Special Review: Scaphoid Fracture Patterns

Drijkoningen, Tessa; Mohamadi, Amin; Luria, Shai; Buijze, Geert A.: Scaphoid Fracture Patterns—Part One: Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography Analysis
Drijkoningen, Tessa; Mohamadi, Amin; van Leeuwen, Wouter F.; Schwarcz, Yonatan; Ring, David; Buijze, Geert A.: Scaphoid Fracture Patterns—Part Two: Reproducibility and Demographics of a Simplified Scaphoid Fracture Classification

Scientific Article

Poiset, Spencer; Abboudi, Jack; Gallant, Gregory; Jones, Christopher; Kirkpatrick, William; Kwok, Moody; Liss, Frederic; Rivlin, Michael; Takei, T. Robert; Wang, Mark; Ilyas, Asif M.: Splinting after Distal Radius Fracture Fixation: A Prospective Cohort Analysis of Postoperative Plaster Splint versus Soft Dressing
Degeorge, Benjamin; Montoya-Faivre, David; Dap, François; Dautel, Gilles; Coulet, Bertrand; Chammas, Michel: Radioscapholunate Fusion for Radiocarpal Osteoarthritis: Prognostic Factors of Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes
Lempesis, Vasileios; Jerrhag, Daniel; Rosengren, Björn E.; Landin, Lennart; Tiderius, Carl Johan; Karlsson, Magnus K.: Pediatric Distal Forearm Fracture Epidemiology in Malmö, Sweden—Time Trends During Six Decades
Bergsma, Minke; Board, Jemara; Doornberg, Job N.; Sierevelt, Inger; Rickman, Mark; Jaarsma, Ruurd L.; Obdeijn, Miryam C.: MRI Study on the Distance between the Distal Radius and the Flexor and Extensor Tendons: Is There Any Room for Error/Hardware?
Wollstein, Ronit; Kramer, Aviv; Friedlander, Scott; Werner, Frederick: Midcarpal Structure Effect on Force Distribution through the Radiocarpal Joint
Kaiser, Peter; Gruber, Hannes; Loth, Fanny; Schmidle, Gernot; Arora, Rohit; Gabl, Markus: Positioning of a Volar Locking Plate with a Central Flexor Pollicis Longus Tendon Notch in Distal Radius Fractures
van Laarhoven, Cecile M.C.A.; Schrier, Verena J.M.M.; van Heijl, Mark; Schuurman, Arnold H.: Arthrodesis of the Carpometacarpal Thumb Joint for Osteoarthritis; Long-Term Results Using Patient-Reported Outcome Measurements
Dreckmann, Stephanie C.; von Schroeder, Herbert P.; Novak, Christine B.; Baltzer, Heather L.: Utility of Specialized Imaging for Diagnosis of Chronic Wrist Pain

Case Report


Emerging Technologies and New Technological Concepts

Croutzet, Pierre; Guinand, Regis; Mares, Olivier; Apard, Thomas; Candelier, Gilles; David, Isabelle: Ultrasound-Guided de Quervain's Tendon Release, Feasibility, and First Outcomes

Survey or Meta-analysis

Bergsma, Minke; Denk, Katharina; Doornberg, Job N.; van den Bekerom, Michel P. J.; Kerkhoffs, Gino M. M. J.; Jaarsma, Ruurd L.; Obdeijn, Miryam C.: Volar Plating: Imaging Modalities for the Detection of Screw Penetration