DOI: 10.1055/s-00051518

European Journal of General Dentistry

Issue 03 · Volume 4 · September 2015 DOI: 10.1055/s-011-52133

Invited Review

Review Article

Original Article

Sekhon, Tegbir Singh; Grewal, Simran; Gambhir, Ramandeep Singh; Sharma, Sumit: Perceived sources of stress among dental college students: An Indian perspective
Vishnani, Preeti; Nagaraj, Anup; Yousuf, Asif; Ganta, Shravani; Pareek, Sonia; Acharya, Siddharth; Singh, Kushpal: Safety evaluation on pH and fluoride content of locally available and packaged milk as a potential factor in dental fluorosis in Jaipur, India

Case Report

Abbayya, Keshava; Kadashetti, Vidya; Baad, Rajendra; Lohana, Mohini: Desquamative gingivitis: A clinical sign in mucous membrane pemphigoid
Xavier, Cristina Braga; Vogt, Beatriz Farias; Faria, Giselle Daer; Reinhardt, Leandro Calcagno; Hosni, Elaini Sickert; Martos, Josué: Multidisciplinary approach in the immediate replantation of a maxillary central incisor - A six and a half year follow-up
