DOI: 10.1055/s-00050590

Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging

Ausgabe 02 · Volume 32 · Juni 2022 DOI: 10.1055/s-012-54526


Original Article

Shetty, Ranjan; Kumbhar, Gauri; Thomas, Ajith; Pearlin, Benedicta; Chowdhury, Sudipta Dhar; Chandramohan, Anuradha: How Are Imaging Findings Associated with Exocrine Insufficiency in Idiopathic Chronic Pancreatitis?

Review Article

Smith, E.; Hegde, G.; Czyz, M.; Hughes, S.; Haleem, S.; Grainger, M.; James, S. L.; Botchu, R.: A Radiologists' Guide to En Bloc Resection of Primary Tumors in the Spine: What Does the Surgeon Want to Know?
Sanyal, Shanti Ranjan; Arora, Ankur; Nisreen, Amin; Mohamed, Khattab; Mohammad, Saeed Kilani; Baruah, Deb: Imaging Tips and Tricks in Management of Renal and Urothelial Malignancies
Reghunath, Anjuna; Ghasi, Rohini Gupta; Sharma, Anuradha; Bagri, Neha; Jain, Swarna Gupta: Neuroimaging Findings in COVID-19 Associated Rhino-Orbital-Cerebral Mucormycosis: A Review

Pictorial Essay

Case Report

Adlan, Amirul; Azzopardi, Christine; Davies, Mark; James, Steven; Botchu, Rajesh: Metachronous Osteoid Osteoma of the Mid-Diaphysis of the Fibula and Distal Humerus: A Case Report
Saha, Sanghamitra; Ghosh, Priya; Mukherjee, Geetashree; Roy, Arunava: Metastatic Primary Neuroendocrine Tumor of Ovary—A Rare Presentation
Chandrasekharan, Rajsekar; Kulkarni, Chinmay; Pullara, Sreekumar Karumathil; Moorthy, Srikanth: Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Otosyphilis: A Rare Manifestation of Neurosyphilis