DOI: 10.1055/s-00000161

The Journal of Knee Surgery

Ausgabe 01 · Volume 36 · Januar 2023 DOI: 10.1055/s-012-56175

Original Article

Hernandez, Nicholas M.; Vakharia, Rushabh M.; Bolognesi, Michael P.; Mont, Michael A.; Seyler, Thorsten M.; Roche, Martin W.: Do Patients with Paget's Disease Have Worse Outcomes following Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty?
Malahias, Michael-Alexander; Bauer, Thomas W.; Manolopoulos, Philip P.; Sculco, Peter K.; Westrich, Geoffrey H.: Allergy Testing Has No Correlation with Intraoperative Histopathology from Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty for Implant-Related Metal Allergy
Aneizi, Ali; Friedmann, Elizabeth; Henry, Leah E.; Perraut, Gregory; Sajak, Patrick M. J.; Ventimiglia, Dominic J.; Burt, Cameran I.; Zhang, Tina; Packer, Jonathan D.; Henn III, R. F.: Perioperative Opioid Use in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Patients
Mohamed, Nequesha S.; Castrodad, Iciar M. Davila; Etcheson, Jennifer I.; Kelemen, Margaret N.; Plate, F. Johannes; Conway, Janet D.; Delanois, Ronald E.: Treatment of Periprosthetic Joint Infection in Total Knee Arthroplasty with a Temporary Intramedullary Nail: Is a Long or Short Nail Better?
Kinoshita, Tomofumi; Hino, Kazunori; Kutsuna, Tatsuhiko; Watamori, Kunihiko; Miura, Hiromasa: Rotational Soft-Tissue Balance Is Highly Correlated with Rotational Kinematics in Total Knee Arthroplasty
Perez-Mozas, Maria; Payo-Ollero, Jesus; Montiel, Veronica; Valenti-Nin, Juan Ramon; Valenti-Azcarate, Andres: Meniscal Suture Influence on Driving Ability 6 Weeks after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction with Hamstring Autograft
Tsubosaka, Masanori; Muratsu, Hirotsugu; Nakano, Naoki; Kamenaga, Tomoyuki; Kuroda, Yuichi; Inokuchi, Takao; Miya, Hidetoshi; Kuroda, Ryosuke; Matsumoto, Tomoyuki: Knee Stability following Posterior-Stabilized Total Knee Arthroplasty: Comparison of Medial Preserving Gap Technique and Measured Resection Technique
Samuel, Linsen T.; Karnuta, Jaret M.; Banerjee, Aditya; Briskin, Isaac; Cantrell, William A.; George, Joseph W.; Higuera-Rueda, Carlos A.; Kamath, Atul F.; Khlopas, Anton; Klika, Alison; Krebs, Viktor E.; Mesko, Nathan W.; Mont, Michael A.; Murray, Trevor G.; Piuzzi, Nicolas S.; Shah, Paras; Stearns, Kim; Sultan, Assem A.; Molloy, Robert M.: Robotic Arm-Assisted versus Manual Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis