DOI : 10.1055/s-00034925


Issue S 01 · Volume 44 · February 2024 DOI: 10.1055/s-014-59184

GTH Congress 2024 – 68th Annual Meeting of the Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis Research – Building Bridges in Coagulation
Vienna, Austria, 27.–01.03.2024

Congress Presidents:
Ao. Prof. Dr. Christoph Male, Prof. PD Dr. Cihan Ay

Englisch, C.; Moik, F.; Steiner, D.; Berghoff, A.; Preusser, M.; Pabinger, I.; Ay, C.: Incidence and outcomes of bleeding events in patients with cancer: results from a prospective cohort study
Morath, O.; Crodel, C.; Schilling, K.; Meggendorfer, M.; Baer, C.; Hochhaus, A.; Ernst, T.: Do arterial and venous thrombotic events have different molecular risk factors in patients with myelofibrosis?
Englisch, C.; Moik, F.; Steiner, D.; Starzer, A.; Berghoff, A.; Preusser, M.; Pabinger, I.; Ay, C.: Thrombosis rates in patients with cancer receiving immune checkpoint inhibitors: results from a prospective cohort study
Vospernik, L.; Agis, H.; Ay, C.; Rüsing, L. Z.; Gisslinger, H.; Simonitsch-Klupp, I.; Krauth, M. T.; Riedl, J.: Thromboembolism and bleeding in newly diagnosed Multiple Myeloma – Rates, risk profile and patterns of thromboprophylaxis
Rolling, C.; Regenhardt, J.; Lehr, C.; Beckmann, L.; Bokemeyer, C.; Langer, F.: Immune checkpoints are upregulated on activated platelets and monocytes
Englisch, C.; Nopp, S.; Pabinger, I.; Moik, F.; Steiner, D.; Fritzer-Szekeres, M.; Preusser, M.; Berghoff, A.; Ay, C.: Growth differentiation factor-15 is associated with bleeding risk in patients with cancer: results from a prospective cohort
Beckmann, L.; Riecken, K.; Mäder, J.; Rolling, C.; Voigtländer, M.; Schulenkorf, A.; Lehr, C.; Regenhardt, J.; Fehse, B.; Bokemeyer, C.; Langer, F.: Endogenously produced factor XI (FXI) contributes to hepatic cancer cell-induced coagulation activation