DOI : 10.1055/s-00000012


Issue S 02 · Volume 56 · April 2024 DOI: 10.1055/s-014-59488

ESGE Days 2024
Berlin, Germany, 25.–27.04.2024

Ian Gralnek

Amata, M.; Grasso, M.; Scimeca, D.; Scrivo, B.; Di Martino, V.; Mocciaro, F.; Bonaccorso, A.; Calì, A.; Conte, E.; Sferrazza, S.; Di Mitri, R.: Direct colangioscopy with extraction of biliary stones using a double-balloon enteroscope in patient with surgical altered anatomy: yes, we can!
Coelho, H.; Correia, F. Pereira; Alexandrino, G.; Cardoso, M.; Lourenço, L. Carvalho; Horta, D.; Canena, J.: Diagnostic acuity of cholangioscopy in the evalution of indeterminate biliary strictures
Costa, C. Amor; Martin-Arranz, E.; Roig, C. Amiama; Diaz, I. Gonzalez; Martos, R. Fernandez; Martin-Arranz, M. D.: Diagnosis of intrabiliary metastasis of colorectal cancer by cholangioscopy
Chan, S. M.; Burgueño, B.; De Benito Sanz, M.; Yip, H. C.; Ng, S.K. K.; Sánchez-Ocaña, R.; Higuera, C. De La Serna; Perez-Miranda, M.; Teoh, A. Y.: Cholecystoscopy and LAMS removal is associated with higher stone-related complications as compared to long term LAMS in surgically unfit patients with EUS-GBD performed for acute calculous cholecystitis
Sacco, M.; Dall'Amico, E.; Staiano, M. T.; Canalis, C.; Dibitetto, S.; Mauriello, A.; Fimiano, F.; Caneglias, A.; Caronna, S.; De Angelis, C.: Pancreatoscopy for the diagnosis of main duct IPMN: a case series (with video)
Oliva, C. Gómez; Martin, M. Concepción; Szafranska, J.; Romito, R.; Pulgar, M. Murzi; Salamanca, L. Bordoy; Aguilar, C. Guarner; Manosa, M. A. Escorsell; Argente, C. Guarner: Accuracy of digital single-operator cholangioscopy for the diagnostic strategy for indeterminate biliary stricture