DOI: 10.1055/s-00000009

American Journal of Perinatology

Issue 09 · Volume 41 · July 2024 DOI: 10.1055/s-014-59825

SMFM Fellowship Series Article

Wang, Tiffany L.; Bryan, Samantha G.; Jeyabalan, Arundhathi; Facco, Francesca L.; Gandley, Robin E.; Hubel, Carl A.; Catov, Janet M.; Hauspurg, Alisse K.: Sleep Quality in Individuals with and without Persistent Postpartum Hypertension
Horgan, Rebecca; Nehme, Lea; Jensen, Hannah J.; Shah, Anika P.; Saal, Ryan; Onishi, Kazuma; Kawakita, Tetsuya; Martins, Juliana G.; Abuhamad, Alfred: Neonatal Outcomes among Fetuses with an Abdominal Circumference <3rd %ile and Estimated Fetal Weight 3rd to 9th %ile Compared to Fetuses with an EFW <3rd %ile

Review Article

Edwards, Sara; Angarita, Ana M.; Talasila, Sahithi; Berghella, Vincenzo: Waterbirth: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Original Article

Kancherla, Vijaya; Tandaki, Lucita; Sundar, Manasvi; Lux, Anke; Bakker, Marian K; Bergman, Jorieke EH; Bermejo-Sánchez, Eva; Canfield, Mark A; Feldkamp, Marcia L; Groisman, Boris; Hurtado-Villa, Paula; Källén, Karin; Landau, Danielle; Lelong, Nathalie; Lopez-Camelo, Jorge; Mastroiacovo, Pierpaolo; Morgan, Margery; Mutchinick, Osvaldo M; Nance, Amy E; Nembhard, Wendy N; Pierini, Anna; Šípek, Antonin; Stallings, Erin B; Szabova, Elena; Wertelecki, Wladimir; Zarante, Ignacio; Rissmann, Anke: A Multicountry Analysis of Prevalence and Mortality among Neonates and Children with Bladder Exstrophy
McBride, Elizabeth B.; Lasarev, Michael R.; O'Connell, Daniel M.; Limjoco, Jamie J.: Clinical Outcomes of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Graduates with Bridled Nasogastric Feeding Tubes
Kassir, Elias; Holliman, Kerry; Negi, Masaru; Duong, Hai-Lang; Tandel, Megha D.; Kwan, Lorna; Lee, Gwendolyn; Silverman, Neil S.; Rao, Rashmi R.; Han, Christina S.: Risk Factors for Measles Nonimmunity in Rubella-Immune Pregnant Patients
Swissa, Shani S.; Walfisch, Asnat; Yaniv-Salem, Shimrit; Pariente, Gali; Hershkovitz, Reli; Szaingurten-Solodkin, Irit; Shashar, Sagi; Beharier, Ofer: Maternal Blood Angiogenic Factors and the Prediction of Critical Adverse Perinatal Outcomes Among Small-for-Gestational-Age Pregnancies
Tepe, Tugay; Satar, Mehmet; Yildizdas, Hacer Yapicioglu; Ozdemir, Mustafa; Ozlu, Ferda; Erdogan, Seyda; Toyran, Tugba; Akillioglu, Kubra: Antiapoptotic Effects of Hydroxychloroquine on Hypoxic–Ischemic Injury in Neonatal Rat Brain: May Hydroxychloroquine Be an Adjuvant Theraphy?
Akbar, Muhammad Ilham Aldika; Azis, Muhammad Alamsyah; Riu, Deviana Soraya; Wawengkang, Ellen; Ernawati, Ernawati; Bachnas, Muhammad Adrianes; Sulistyowati, Sri; Dachlan, Erry Gumilar; Mose, Johanes Cornelius; Dekker, Gus: INOVASIA Study: A Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial of Pravastatin to Prevent Preeclampsia in High-Risk Patients
Gray, Keyaria D.; Saha, Shampa; Battarbee, Ashley N.; Cotten, Charles Michael; Boghossian, Nansi S.; Walsh, Michele C.; Greenberg, Rachel G.; for the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health Human Development Neonatal Research Network: Outcomes of Moderately Preterm Infants of Insulin-Dependent Diabetic Mothers
Pasko, Daniel N.; McGee, Paula; Grobman, William A.; Bailit, Jennifer L.; Reddy, Uma M.; Wapner, Ronald J.; Varner, Michael W.; Thorp, John M.; Caritis, Steve N.; Prasad, Mona; Saade, George R.; Sorokin, Yoram; Rouse, Dwight J.; Tolosa, Jorge E.; for the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health Human Development Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units (MFMU) Network: Comparison of Cesarean Deliveries in a Multicenter U.S. Cohort Using the 10-Group Classification System
Tosson, Angie M. S.; Koptan, Dina M. T.; Kamal, Mohamed; Abd Elhady, Marwa: Assessment of Serum Interleukin-27 and Mean Platelet Volume in Late-Onset Neonatal Sepsis
Costa, Sara Todo Bom; Costa, Paula; Graça, André Mendes; Abrantes, Margarida; Portuguese National Registry of very low birth weight infants: Delivery Mode and Neurological Complications in Very Low Birth Weight Infants
Benenson, Shmuel; Cohen, Matan J.; Greenglick, Nofar; Schwartz, Carmela; Eventov-Friedman, Smadar; Ergaz, Zivanit: The Validity of Positive Coagulase-Negative Staphylococcus Cultures for the Diagnosis of Sepsis in the Neonatal Unit
Goetz, Elizabeth M.; Tomlin, Brandon D.; Rinaldo, Kathryn E.; Baumann-Blackmore, Nicole L.; Petro, Rachel L.; Smith, Beth B.; Zapata, Jasmine Y.; Lasarev, Michael R.; McBride, Elizabeth B.; Kaluarachchi, Dinushan C.: Oxygen Saturation Profiles in Healthy Term Infants in Early Postnatal Life
Addicott, Katherine; Nudelman, Matthew; Putty, Krista; Prasher, Priya; Preston, Deborah; Yoost, Jennie L; DeFruscio, Annie; Bartlett, David; Cavender, Catherine; Carter, Meagen; Datz, Hannah; Rodriquez, Kayla; Werthammer, Joseph: Adverse Perinatal Outcomes Associated with Increasing Maternal Obesity


Stevenson, David K.; Gotlib, Ian H.; Buthmann, Jessica L.; Marié, Ivana; Aghaeepour, Nima; Gaudilliere, Brice; Angst, Martin S.; Darmstadt, Gary L.; Druzin, Maurice L.; Wong, Ronald J.; Shaw, Gary M.; Katz, Michael: Stress and Its Consequences—Biological Strain