DOI: 10.1055/s-00024358

European Journal of Pediatric Surgery Reports

Issue 01 · Volume 12 · January 2024 DOI: 10.1055/s-014-58895

Video Case Reports


Menso, Julia E.; Reijntjes, Maud A.; Oomen, Matthijs W.; Rinkel, Rico N.P.M.; Terheggen-Lagro, Suzanne W.J.; Gorter, Ramon R.: Erratum: Missed Proximal Tracheoesophageal Fistula (TEF) in a Neonate with Type D Esophageal Atresia

Case Report

Menso, Julia E.; Reijntjes, Maud A.; Oomen, Matthijs W.; Rinkel, Rico N.P.M.; Terheggen-Lagro, Suzanne W.J.; Gorter, Ramon R.: Missed Proximal Tracheoesophageal Fistula (TEF) in a Neonate with Type D Esophageal Atresia
Krause, Tobias; Cholewa, Dietmar; Liniger, Benjamin; Berger, Steffen; Milosevic, Milan: Torsion of an Accessory Liver Lobe in a Newborn
Toms, Ashley; Govender, Tarlia Rasa; Brisighelli, Giulia; Harrison, Derek: Neonatal Sacrococcygeal Fetiform Teratoma Containing Bowel: A Case Report
Delgado-Miguel, Carlos; Muñoz-Serrano, Antonio Jesus; Aguado, Pablo; Fuentes, Ennio; Díez, Ricardo: Ureteroinguinal Herniation with Consecutive Ureteral Stricture in a 2-Month-Old Infant: Case Report
Menso, Julia E.; Reijntjes, Maud A.; Mussies, Carlijn M.; van Wijk, Michiel P.; Zwaveling, Sander: Unintentional Suture Fistula Between the Proximal and Distal Esophagus in a Preterm Neonate with Type C Esophageal Atresia
Danziger, Gabriella; Xu, Thomas O.; Russell, Teresa Lynn; Tiusaba, Laura; Yun, Jennie; Levitt, Marc A.; Badillo, Andrea: Colonic Resection in an 8-Year-Old Girl with Intractable Functional Constipation and Diffuse Colonic Dysmotility and Failed Antegrade Flushes
AbouZeid, Amr AbdelHamid; Abdelmoniem, Ahmed Saad; Fathy, Mohamed Abdelrahman; Negm, Mohamed Ahmed; Mohammad, Shaimaa Abdelsattar: Posterior Sinuplasty: A New Strategy for Managing Hydrocolpos in Cloaca—Case Series
Reich, Charlotte; Weigl, Elena; Holler, Anne-Sophie; Lee, William; Harrison, Michael; Muensterer, Oliver J.: Repair of Complex Esophageal Atresia with Tracheobronchial Remnant using Special Magnets
Kojima, Masato; Touge, Ryo; Kurihara, Sho; Saeki, Isamu; Takahashi, Shinya: Reduction en masse of Inguinal Hernia in a 2-Month-Old Male Infant
Velasquez, Alejandro R.; Xu, Thomas O.; Liu, Yu-Ting; Kidwai, Sulaiman; Russell, Teresa L.; Tiusaba, Laura; Artis, Krystal; Sandler, Anthony; Badillo, Andrea; Levitt, Marc A.: Achieving Digestive Autonomy and Gastrointestinal Continuity in a Patient with Short Bowel Syndrome Secondary to Concomitant Jejunal Atresia and Small Intestinal Hirschsprung's Disease
Moormann, M.; Vollroth, M.; Lacher, M.; Stepan, H.; Gräfe, D.; Thome, U.; Rützel, S.; Weidenbach, M.; Martynov, I.; Pügge, C.: Video of the Month: Pulsating Umbilicus in a Neonate with Left Ventricular Diverticulum
Marshall, Grace; Byrne, Matthew; Wirth, Korry; Liao, Xiaoyan; Linehan, David C.; Wilson, Nicole A.: Middle-Preserving Pancreatectomy for Multicentric Solid Pseudopapillary Neoplasm in a 10-Year-Old Female
Bokova, Elizaveta; Jacobs, Shimon E.; Tiusaba, Laura; Ho, Christina P.; Varda, Briony K.; Pohl, Hans G.; Feng, Christina; Lane, Victoria A.; Smith, Caitlin A.; Badillo, Andrea T.; Wood, Richard J.; Levitt, Marc A.: A Modification of the Newborn Operation for Cloacal Exstrophy: Leaving the Cecal Plate Untouched
Landry, Émilie Kate; Le-Nguyen, Annie; Butler, Elissa K.; Bouchard, Sarah; Dubois, Josée; Lemoine, Caroline P.: Choledochal Cyst and Right Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: When to Intervene?
Bruyninckx, Lotte; De Leyn, Paul; Van Raemdonck, Dirk; Jansen, Yanina; Coppens, Katrien; Vermeulen, Francois; Weynand, Birgit; Gieraerts, Christopher; Decaluwé, Herbert: Pulmonary Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor: A Case Report
Kordasz, Marcin Lech; Nakhleh, Michael; Matissek, Christoph; Mack, Alexander; Krebs, Thomas Franz; Haecker, Frank-Martin: Transverse Testicular Ectopy and an Incarcerated Inguinal Hernia in a 2-Month-Old Preterm Boy
Saha, Soumitra; Tripathi, Mayank; Vineet, Kumar; Kale, Ajinkya; Pande, Pooja; Chowdhury, Zachariah; Ranjan, Raghwesh: Enigma of Gastric Teratoma in Infants: A Case Series
Ryan, Julia Ann; Xu, Thomas O.; Ho, Christina; Varda, Briony K.; Gomez-Lobo, Veronica; Mayhew, Allison; Teeple, Erin; Badillo, Andrea; Feng, Christina; Levitt, Marc A.: Anal Sphincter Reconstruction Using the Posterior Sagittal Approach for Pediatric Perineal Trauma