European Journal of Pediatric Surgery Reports
Issue 01 ·
Volume 12 ·
January 2024
DOI: 10.1055/s-014-58895
Video Case Reports
Case Report
Velasquez, Alejandro R.;
Xu, Thomas O.;
Liu, Yu-Ting;
Kidwai, Sulaiman;
Russell, Teresa L.;
Tiusaba, Laura;
Artis, Krystal;
Sandler, Anthony;
Badillo, Andrea;
Levitt, Marc A.:
Achieving Digestive Autonomy and Gastrointestinal Continuity in a Patient with Short Bowel Syndrome Secondary to Concomitant Jejunal Atresia and Small Intestinal Hirschsprung's Disease
Moormann, M.;
Vollroth, M.;
Lacher, M.;
Stepan, H.;
Gräfe, D.;
Thome, U.;
Rützel, S.;
Weidenbach, M.;
Martynov, I.;
Pügge, C.:
Video of the Month: Pulsating Umbilicus in a Neonate with Left Ventricular Diverticulum
Bokova, Elizaveta;
Jacobs, Shimon E.;
Tiusaba, Laura;
Ho, Christina P.;
Varda, Briony K.;
Pohl, Hans G.;
Feng, Christina;
Lane, Victoria A.;
Smith, Caitlin A.;
Badillo, Andrea T.;
Wood, Richard J.;
Levitt, Marc A.:
A Modification of the Newborn Operation for Cloacal Exstrophy: Leaving the Cecal Plate Untouched
Ryan, Julia Ann;
Xu, Thomas O.;
Ho, Christina;
Varda, Briony K.;
Gomez-Lobo, Veronica;
Mayhew, Allison;
Teeple, Erin;
Badillo, Andrea;
Feng, Christina;
Levitt, Marc A.:
Anal Sphincter Reconstruction Using the Posterior Sagittal Approach for Pediatric Perineal Trauma