Int J Sports Med
DOI: 10.1055/a-2493-0617
Physiology & Biochemistry

Muscle-specific neuromuscular responses during running with blood flow restriction

1   Department of Kinesiology, University of Central Florida College of Health Professions and Sciences, Orlando, USA
Christopher E. Proppe
2   Human Performance Studies, Wichita State University, Wichita, USA
Paola M. Rivera
3   School of Sport Sciences, Endicott College School of Nursing and Health Sciences, Beverly, USA
Mason A. Howard
1   Department of Kinesiology, University of Central Florida College of Health Professions and Sciences, Orlando, USA
Anuj J. Prajapati
1   Department of Kinesiology, University of Central Florida College of Health Professions and Sciences, Orlando, USA
Niriham M. Shah
1   Department of Kinesiology, University of Central Florida College of Health Professions and Sciences, Orlando, USA
Nihar N. Patel
1   Department of Kinesiology, University of Central Florida College of Health Professions and Sciences, Orlando, USA
Shane M. Hammer
4   Department of Kinesiology, Applied Health, and Recreation, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, USA
Michael A. Trevino
4   Department of Kinesiology, Applied Health, and Recreation, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, USA
Taylor K. Dinyer-McNeely
4   Department of Kinesiology, Applied Health, and Recreation, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, USA
Roksana B. Zak
1   Department of Kinesiology, University of Central Florida College of Health Professions and Sciences, Orlando, USA
Ethan C. Hill
1   Department of Kinesiology, University of Central Florida College of Health Professions and Sciences, Orlando, USA
› Author Affiliations


The purpose of this investigation was to examine muscle excitation at maximal running capacity without blood flow restriction (BFR) relative to submaximal running bouts with BFR. Fourteen college-aged males randomly completed four, three-minute running bouts at 70, 80, and 90% of peak speed with BFR (70%BFR, 80%BFR, and 90%BFR) and without BFR at 100% of their peak speed (100%NOBFR). The surface electromyographic amplitudes of the vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, and vastus medialis muscles were assessed. Muscle excitation of the vastus lateralis was similar across most bouts; however, it was lower during the 70%BFR compared to 90%BFR (Meandiff =−4.67±− 0.22%; Bayesian 95% high-density interval [HDI]: − 7.07 to − 2.2) and 100%NOBFR (Meandiff =−2.94±− 0.27%; 95% HDI:−5.33 to−0.50) bouts. For the rectus femoris, muscle excitation largely increased across running speeds (70%BFR<80%BFR < 90%BFR; 90%BFR < 100%NOBFR). For the vastus medialis, muscle excitation was lower during the 70%BFR compared to 90%BFR (Meandiff =−8.15±− 0.28%; 95% HDI:−15.3 to−0.89). Submaximal running with BFR increased muscle excitation responses for the vastus lateralis and vastus medialis, such that muscle excitation was similar to 100%BFR, despite 10–20% reductions in running speed. The rectus femoris muscle, however, was not affected by BFR during the submaximal running bouts.

Supplementary Material

Publication History

Received: 05 September 2024

Accepted: 27 November 2024

Article published online:
14 January 2025

© 2024. Thieme. All rights reserved.

Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Oswald-Hesse-Straße 50, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

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