Thromb Haemost 1971; 25(03): 524-531
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1654326
Originalarbeiten – Original Articles – Travaux Originaux
Schattauer GmbH

Platelet Sensitivity to Aggregation in Normal and Diseased Groups

A Method for Assessment of Platelet Aggregability
T Sano
*   Kuakini Medical Research Institute & Kuakini Hospital, Honolulu, Hawaii (U.S. A.)
M. G. J Boxer
**   Department of Medicine, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii (U.S. A.)
L. A Boxer
***   Pediatrics Service, Department of Medicine, Tripler Army General Hospital, Honolulu, Hawaii (U.S.A.)
M Yokoyama
*   Kuakini Medical Research Institute & Kuakini Hospital, Honolulu, Hawaii (U.S. A.)
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Publication Date:
28 June 2018 (online)


A method to estimate the sensitivity of platelets to aggregation by ADP has been described. Platelet-rich plasma was obtained from 8% trisodium citrate anticoagulated blood. ADP in trishydroxymethylaminomethane buffered saline was prepared by serial two-fold dilutions in concentrations of 2−1 through 2−18 mg/ml. Fifty μl each of platelet-rich plasma and ADP solution were mixed in a plastic test tube and agitated for 1 min. Aggregation was observed utilizing a light microscope. All procedures were performed at room temperature. The coefficient of variation in one sample was 1.4% or less and the daily variation was slight in healthy male volunteers. An advantage of this method is that it requires only a small amount of blood for the performance of many tests.

In 105 healthy Japanese males, the sensitivity of platelets to ADP-induced aggregation was positively correlated with age with a correlation coefficient of 0.824.

In the acute stage of thromboembolism of myocardial infarction or stroke, value of platelet sensitivity to ADP-induced aggregation was significantly higher at the 0.05 to 0.01 confidence limits than in age-, and sex-matched controls.

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