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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1660146
Platelet Function in Surgical Stress
Publication History
Received 17 June 1985
Accepted 26 September 1985
Publication Date:
19 July 2018 (online)

Ten patients for elective cholecystectomy were studied pre-, per- and postoperatively. All had neurolept anesthesia. Plasma concentrations of β-TG, TXB2 and 5-HT and intraplatelet 5-HT were measured. Aggregation to ADP was recorded.
Serum cortisol concentration was used as index of the stress response, showing peroperative increase and postoperative decrease. Closely related to this we observed a significant increase in P-β-TG and P-TXB2 with postoperative normalization in 6 patients without complications. P-5-HT had a peak peropera-tively and remained elevated postoperatively. A negative correlation between P--5-HT and decreasing intraplatelet 5-HT postoperatively was observed.
High postoperative levels of P--5-HT seem to be related to low arterial Po2 and pulmonary dysfunction. In 3 patients with complications a second increase in P-β-TG, P-TXB2 and partly in P--5-HT was found. Platelets were temporarily refractory to ADP immediately following surgery and showed increased aggregabil-ity postoperatively. We conclude that platelets are activated in surgical stress.
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