J Am Acad Audiol 2021; 32(06): C1-C2
DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1739973
JAAA CEU Program

JAAA CEU Program

The questions below refer to Lefl er et al, “Comparing Simultaneous Electrocochleography and Auditory Brainstem Response Measurements Using Three Diff erent Extratympanic Electrodes,” pages 339–346.

Learner Outcomes

Readers of this article should be able to:

  • Understand the strengths and weaknesses of some of the common electrodes used for electrocochleography (ECochG).

  • Have a better understanding of the use of simultaneous ECochG and auditory brainstem response (ABR) and how electrode placement/type can aff ect measurement outcomes.


CEU Questions

  1. Which of the following has been found to be the most popular ECochG electrode type among audiologists?

    • TipTrode

    • Tympanic membrane (TM) electrode

    • Transtympanic electrode

  2. Which of the following is considered to be the most expensive style of ECochG electrodes?

    • TipTrode

    • Commercial TM electrode (i.e., Lilly TM-Wick)

    • Homemade TM electrode

  3. Simultaneous ABR and ECochG have been found to show larger

    • Wave I amplitudes

    • Wave III latencies

    • Wave V amplitudes

  4. Where was the common, ground electrode placed in this study?

    • High forehead (Fz)

    • Mid forehead (Fpz)

    • Midline center of head (Cz)

  5. What was the average ECochG threshold for the TipTrode?

    • 27

    • 20

    • 13

  6. Which electrode had the lowest average threshold for ECochG?

    • TipTrode

    • Lilly TM-Wick

    • Homemade TM electrode

  7. Which electrode had the largest action potential (AP) amplitude average?

    • TipTrode

    • Lilly TM-Wick

    • Homemade TM electrode

  8. Which electrode had the smallest AP amplitude average?

    • TipTrode

    • Lilly TM-Wick

    • Homemade TM electrode

  9. Placing the surface electrode at which location helped reduce post-auricular muscle (PAM) activity significantly?

    • Mastoid

    • Ear lobe

    • Forehead

  10. Which measurement showed lower thresholds for Wave V?

    • ABR

    • ECochG

    • Middle latency response (MLR)


Publication History

Article published online:
08 November 2021

© 2021. American Academy of Audiology. This article is published by Thieme.

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