Thromb Haemost 2014; 112(04): 803-811
DOI: 10.1160/TH13-10-0865
Animal Models
Schattauer GmbH

L-selectin deficiency decreases aortic B1a and Breg subsets and promotes atherosclerosis

Breanne N. Gjurich
1   Department of Microbiology and Molecular Cell Biology, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, Virginia, USA
Parésa L. Taghavie-Moghadam
1   Department of Microbiology and Molecular Cell Biology, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, Virginia, USA
Klaus Ley
2   Division of Inflammation Biology, La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, La Jolla, California, USA
Elena V. Galkina
1   Department of Microbiology and Molecular Cell Biology, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, Virginia, USA
› Institutsangaben
Financial support: This work was supported by NHLBI RO1HL107522 (to EG) and EVMS start-up funds. Received: October 22, 2013
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Accepted after major revision: 29. April 2014

04. Dezember 2017 (online)


There is a significant recruitment of leucocytes into aortas during atherogenesis. L-selectin regulates leucocyte migration into secondary lymphoid and peripheral tissues and was proposed to play a role in leucocyte homing into aortas. Here, we determine the role of L-selectin in atherosclerosis. L-selectin-deficient Apoe -/- (Sell -/- Apoe -/-) mice had a 74% increase in plaque burden compared to Apoe -/- mice fed a chow diet for 50 weeks. Elevated atherosclerosis was accompanied by increased aortic leucocyte content, but a 50% reduction in aortic B cells despite elevated B cell counts in the blood. Follicular B cells represented 65%, whereas B1a and regulatory B cells (Breg) comprised 5% of aortic B cells. B1a and Breg cell subsets were reduced in Sell -/- Apoe -/- aortas with accompanied two-fold decrease in aortic T15 antibody and 1.2-fold decrease of interleukin-10 (IL-10) levels. L-selectin was required for B1 cell homing to the atherosclerotic aorta, as demonstrated by a 1.5-fold decrease in the migration of Sell -/- Apoe -/- vs Apoe -/- cells. Notably, we found a 1.6-fold increase in CD68hi macrophages in Sell -/- Apoe -/- compared to Apoe -/- aortas, despite comparable blood monocyte numbers and L-selectin-dependent aortic homing. L-selectin had no effect on neutrophil migration into aorta, but led to elevated blood neutrophil numbers, suggesting a potential involvement of neutrophils in atherogenesis of Sell -/- Apoe -/- mice. Thus, L-selectin deficiency increases peripheral blood neutrophil and lymphocyte numbers, decreases aortic B1a and Breg populations, T15 antibody and IL-10 levels, and increases aortic macrophage content of Sell -/- Apoe -/- mice. Altogether, these data provide evidence for an overall atheroprotective role of L-selectin.

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