Pudendal varicosities can affect the large and small pudendal lips in the form of vulvar varicosis, the proximal thigh as pudendal varicosis in the narrower sense of the term and the perineum as perineal varicosis. They occur particularly frequently during pregnancy, but usually regress promptly postpartum. As there are no known delivery complications associated with pudendal varicosities and sclerosants are not authorised for use during pregnancy, sclerotherapy of pudendal varicosis should be performed outside pregnancy. Clinical examination is supplemented by duplex ultrasound examination of the leg veins. Further diagnostic imaging of the pelvic veins is advisable if symptoms of pelvic congestion syndrome are present. Sclerotherapy of pudendal varicosities may be indicated in the event of local symptoms and complications, if pudendal varicosities are the source of leg varicosis requiring therapy and/ or for cosmetic reasons.
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Vulvar varicosis - sclerotherapy - pudendal varicosities - pregnancy