Synlett 2005(3): 543-544  
DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-862374
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York


Jitendra Kumar Mishra*
Process Technology Development Division, Defence Research and Development Establishment, Jhansi Road, Gwalior, 474002 (MP) India
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
04 February 2005 (online)


Oxaziridines were first discovered in 1956 [1] and have been widely investigated, principally for two reasons. The ­presence of an inherently weak N-O bond in a strained ring promised a group of compounds of unusually high ­reactivity. In addition, this system possesses the structural elements that seem to be required in order to observe ­stereochemical isomerism at nitrogen: ring strain and an atom with unshared electron pairs attached to the ­nitrogen.

Oxaziridines can be used as both oxygenating and aminating agents in their reactions with a wide variety of nucleophiles. Oxaziridines with small groups on N, for example hydrogen or methyl, act as aminating agents, whereas those with bulky or electron withdrawing groups on N preferentially transfer the oxygen atom. Oxaziridine-­mediated processes are of interest due to the easy accessibility of the reagents and their potential for asymmetric ­induction.