Synfacts 2011(5): 0491-0491  
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1259796
Synthesis of Materials and Unnatural Products
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart ˙ New York

Chlorides in Handcuffs

Contributor(s): Timothy M. Swager, Jan M. Schnorr
N. H. Evans, C. J. Serpell, P. D. Beer*
University of Oxford, UK
Weitere Informationen


15. April 2011 (online)


While many examples of simple ­interlocked systems have been synthesized, the formation of more complex interlocked structures, such as handcuff catenanes, remains a challenge. The authors synthesized a member of this class of compounds (3) using chloride ions in a template macrocyclization reaction.