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DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-121776
Krankheitskonzepte von Patienten mit Schizophrenie: Eine triangulierende Untersuchung
Illness Concepts of Patients with Schizophrenia: A Triangulation StudyPublication History
Publication Date:
03 April 2017 (online)

Ziel der Untersuchung Krankheitskonzepte von Menschen mit Schizophrenie-Spektrum-Störungen zu untersuchen.
Methodik Krankheitskonzeptskala (KK-S) und Ursachenkonzeptskala (UKS) wurden eingesetzt (n = 40) sowie offene Fragen (n = 7). Triangulierend wurden quantitative und qualitative Daten verglichen.
Ergebnisse Heterogenes Bild mit Teilaspekten biologischer und psychosozialer Krankheitsmodelle.
Schlussfolgerung Krankheitskonzepte stellen ein komplexes Phänomen mit Bedeutung für die klinische Praxis dar. Triangulierende Ansätze bieten sich für weitere Untersuchungen an.
Objective Therapists’ and patients’ concepts of illness often show severe discrepancies. This study explores the illness concepts of patients with schizophrenic disorders (n = 40).
Methods Two German scales were used, the “Causal Belief Questionnaire” and the “Illness Concept Scale for Schizophrenic Patients”. We compared our data with data published previously. A semi structured interview was performed in a convenience sample (n = 7).
Results The domains “trust in medication” and “trust in the treating physician” yielded high scores, yet in comparison with data published 30 years ago, trust in medication is unaltered, while trust in psychiatrists is even slightly lower. Recent psychosocial factors scored high as a possible cause of mental illness. Several patients felt responsible for being mentally ill. No patient in the interview mentioned the neurotransmitter hypothesis of schizophrenia.
Conclusion Illness concepts of patients with schizophrenic disorders are a complex phenomenon. Triangulation of quantitative and qualitative methods proves to be a promising approach for future studies.
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