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DOI: 10.1055/s-2000-6780
Genetic Diversity and the Reintroduction of Meadow Species
December 2, 1999
May 23, 2000
31. Dezember 2000 (online)

Restoration of formerly nutrient-poor and species-rich grasslands generally leads to an increase in species diversity. However, species without a persistent seed bank and with poor dispersal ability often do not re-establish spontaneously. Here, reintroduction is an option. If existing populations are comparable in their genetic composition, any population will do. This is not the case if populations have local adaptations. Unfortunately, whether populations are adapted locally is not easily determined, in contrast to assessing differentiation using neutral genetic markers. We used AFLP to study genetic diversity of Cirsium dissectum and Succisa pratensis within and among several Junco-Molinion plant communities in the Netherlands (up to 200 km apart) that were potential source populations, and followed the reintroduction using seeds from these populations. Also, vegetative growth phase characteristics of three populations of C. dissectum were analyzed under controlled conditions. Most of the genetic variation in these cross-fertilizing species was found within populations. Small but significant genetic differences in band frequencies were found among populations (Fst 0.100 - 0.135). The first generation of reintroduced plants contained less polymorphic bands than the source populations. The genetic differences caused by reintroduction using a limited number of seeds (founder effects) were significant in all except one case (Fst 0.012 - 0.101 between source and corresponding reintroduced population), but the magnitude was smaller than the source population differentiation. In assignment tests, reintroduced populations resembled their source population more than any other population, but all populations contained sizeable proportions of plants that were assigned to most similar plants from other populations, indicating that the populations are only marginally distinct. Calculations show that reintroduction from more than one source population introduces significantly more polymorphic bands into the new population, capitalizing on the existence of band frequency differences among populations.
Key words
AFLP - Cirsium dissectum - genetic diversity - Succisa pratensis - restoration ecology
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M. J. M. Smulders
Plant Research International
P. O. Box 16
6700 AA Wageningen
The Netherlands
Section Editor: R. Aerts