Plant Biol (Stuttg) 2004; 6(5): 616-620
DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-821177
Original Paper

Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart KG · New York

Sex Ratio of Some Long-Lived Dioecious Plants in a Sand Dune Area

T. J. de Jong1 , E. van der Meijden1
  • 1Institute of Biology, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands
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05. August 2004 (online)


In dioecious plants the fraction of males among flowering plants in the field (the secondary sex ratio) is the result of the fraction of males in the seeds (the primary sex ratio) and the subsequent survival and age at first reproduction of the two genders. It has been assumed that survival and age at first reproduction are the main determinants of biased secondary sex ratio but, especially for long-lived perennials, few data are available. We address this issue for natural populations of four long-lived perennials in a dune area. In Asparagus officinale and Bryonia dioica, the secondary sex ratio was unbiased. In Salix repens the secondary sex ratio was female-biased (0.337). Hippophae rhamnoides populations were male-biased; the average sex ratio of flowering plants was 0.658, while the fraction of males varied between 0.39 near the sea to 0.84 at the inland side of the dunes. The primary sex ratio was estimated by germinating seeds and growing plants under favourable conditions with minimal mortality. In S. repens the primary sex ratio in seeds was variable among mother plants and was, on average, female-biased (0.289). This is close to the secondary sex ratio, suggesting that the female bias already originates in the seed stage. In Hippophae rhamnoides the primary sex ratio was slightly male-biased (0.564). We argue that in this species, apart from the primary sex ratio, higher mortality and a later age at first reproduction for females contribute to the strong male bias among flowering plants in the field.


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T. J. de Jong

Institute of Biology
Leiden University

P.O. Box 9516

2300 RA Leiden

The Netherlands


Section Editor: W. H. van der Putten