DOI: 10.1055/s-00000057

Plant Biology

Issue 05 · Volume 6 · September 2004 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-3605


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Original Paper

Zimmermann, P.; Regierer, B.; Kossmann, J.; Frossard, E.; Amrhein, N.; Bucher, M.: Differential Expression of Three Purple Acid Phosphatases from Potato
Baldisserotto, C.; Ferroni, L.; Medici, V.; Pagnoni, A.; Pellizzari, M.; Fasulo, M. P.; Fagioli, F.; Bonora, A.; Pancaldi, S.: Specific Intra-Tissue Responses to Manganese in the Floating Lamina of Trapa natans L.
Thellier, M.; Demongeot, J.; Norris, V.; Guespin, J.; Ripoll, C.; Thomas, R.: A Logical (Discrete) Formulation for the Storage and Recall of Environmental Signals in Plants
Jones, M. L. M.; Wallace, H. L.; Norris, D.; Brittain, S. A.; Haria, S.; Jones, R. E.; Rhind, P. M.; Reynolds, B. R.; Emmett, B. A.: Changes in Vegetation and Soil Characteristics in Coastal Sand Dunes along a Gradient of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition