Semin Thromb Hemost 2008; 34(4): 305
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1085483

© Thieme Medical Publishers

Eberhard Mammen, M.D. 1930–2008

Daniel Schiff1
  • 1Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., New York, New York
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
23 September 2008 (online)

One of the privileges of being a publisher is the brilliant individuals one has the opportunity to interact with. Editors, board members, authors, the community that keeps a journal alive, are not simply superbly trained minds but also dedicated individuals who sacrifice their rare precious personal time to their common pursuit embodied by the journal.

Eberhard Mammen profoundly influenced his field, both as a scientist and as an editor, as is best explained in the editorial[1] signed by the regional editors. But what I believe truly expresses what made him so special to all that knew him is that this paragraph starts with his first name, not his degree or his titles.

To meet Eberhard was to meet a man who not only had the expected crystal-sharp mind, but also showed profound decency, true curiosity of the other, and impeccable integrity: a compassionate and honest man. He might have been a giant, as has been mentioned in a number of eulogies, but to me, more importantly he was, to cite the Cheyenne ultimate compliment: a human being, a mensch.

He will simply be missed, and not forgotten.