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DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1105975
Ischemic Stroke and ICU Care
Publication History
Publication Date:
29 December 2008 (online)

Acute ischemic stroke is a common disorder with a significant impact on morbidity and mortality in the United States. The number of interventions for acute stroke patients has increased over the past 15 years and patients increasingly require intensive care. There are several issues that are specific to ischemic stroke patients in intensive care unit (ICU) settings, including the care of the postthrombolytic stroke patient, respiratory issues in stroke care, evaluation of worsening or change in neurological status, and attention to factors that affect the ischemic penumbra. The management of the stroke patient in the critical care setting is discussed in this article.
Ischemic stroke - hypertension - intracranial pressure - neurocritical care
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Rafael H LlinasM.D.
Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Neurology B122b
4940 Eastern Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21224