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DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1263067
Onlay Bone Grafts in Head and Neck Reconstruction
20. August 2010 (online)

Bone grafts are used in a variety of clinical situations and can be divided into two categories: treatment of bone gaps (inlay bone grafting) and bone projection (onlay bone grafting). Cortical grafts are useful in situations requiring immediate mechanical strength. These grafts can survive with or without complete revascularization or resorption and are primarily used by plastic surgeons in the treatment of bone volume deficiency. Cancellous grafts, in contrast, have no mechanical strength and therefore require additional support to bridge bone defects. Thus, they are used primarily for the treatment of bone gaps and in general revascularize quickly, resorb completely, and stimulate significant new bone formation.
Cancellous bone graft - cortical bone graft - osteoinduction - revascularization
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