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DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1316739
The Application of [Bis(trifluoroacetoxy)iodo]benzene (PIFA) in the Synthesis of Nitrogen-Containing Heterocycles
Received: 05. Juni 2012
Accepted after revision: 27. Juni 2012
03. September 2012 (online)

Direct oxidation of suitably functionalized amides by application of the hypervalent iodine reagent PIFA [bis(trifluoroacetoxy)iodo]benzene allows straightforward access to a variety of nitrogen-containing heterocycles. Comprehensive results from our group on the scope and limitations of such transformations will be highlighted.
1 Introduction
2 PIFA-Mediated Electrophilic Aromatic Amidation
3 PIFA-Mediated Olefin Amidation
4 PIFA-Mediated Alkyne Amidation
5 PIFA-Mediated Alkyne N–N and N–S Bond Formation
6 Synthetic Applications of PIFA-Mediated Heterocyclization Reactions
6.1 Synthesis of Pyrazoloquinolinones
6.2 Synthesis of Pyrrolobenzodiazepine DC-81 (17)
6.3 Synthesis of Pyrrolobenzodiazepines 71 and 77
6.4 Formal Synthesis of (±)-Clausenamide
6.5 Synthesis of Polyhydroxylated Indolizidines
7 Conclusions
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See, for example:
See, for example:
For some selected examples of indazole oriented strategies based on N–N bond-formation, see:
For some selected examples of the construction of benzisothiazoles based on N–S bond-formation, see:
For some recent representative examples, including references therein, see: