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Synthesis 2015; 47(04): 575-586
DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1379457
DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1379457
Flexible and Modular Syntheses of Enantiopure 5-cis-Substituted Prolinamines from l-Pyroglutamic Acid
Further Information
Publication History
Received: 12 September 2014
Accepted after revision: 23 October 2014
Publication Date:
27 November 2014 (online)
A wide range (25 examples) of 5-cis-substituted prolinamines is prepared in five to ten steps starting from cheap l-pyroglutamic acid. Three routes, differing mainly in the order of introduction of the substituents at the 5-cis position, the pyrrolidine nitrogen atom, and the exocyclic amino function, are successfully developed.
Supporting Information
- Supporting information for this article is available online at
- Supporting Information
- 1 New address: Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Würzburg, Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg, Germany.
- 2 New address: Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Würzburg, Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg, Germany.
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- 15 The cis/trans ratios were determined from the 1H NMR spectra of the crude reaction mixtures after reductive cyclization. The determination of the exact values was difficult for the N-Boc-protected pyrrolidines since both diastereomers existed as mixtures of rotamers.
- 16 In most literature protocols, hydrogenations (see ref. 12) or modified borohydrides (see ref. 13) are used for the reduction of the intermediate Δ1-pyrrolidines. Even though the use of these reagents often results in better cis selectivities, we chose cheap NaBH4 for the reductions, because this reagent allows the N-deprotection, reductive cyclization, and N-reprotection sequence to be performed as a one-pot, three-step procedure, with comparable overall yields. To the best of our knowledge, there is just one example in which NaBH4 has been used; see ref. 12e.
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- 21 According to ref. 18a, the ethoxycarbonyl group can be removed with TMSI in refluxing MeCN.
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- 23 In the cases of 16b and 16c, the minor diastereomers could not be fully removed during this stage and the mixtures were carried on to the next step, where separation by column chromatography was successful.
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- 26 The silyl ethers 18 and 19 were isolated as single diastereomers with unknown absolute configurations.
- 27 Amino ketone 15c is a known compound, but was not characterized; see: Ayesa S, Belda O, Björklund C, Nilsson M, Russo F, Sahlberg C, Wiktelius D. WO 2013095275 A1, 2013 ; Chem. Abstr. 2013, 159, 166189.
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For selected recent examples, see:
Besides 5a (see ref. 10), there are only two further diamines of type 5 known, namely 5f and a 5-cis, N′-diaryl derivative, see:
For selected examples, see:
For selected examples, see:
Such protocols work well for the corresponding esters, see:
Pyroglutamate 14 is also commercially available. For selected procedures on the preparation of 14 from 6 or of ent-14 from ent-6, see:
The structures of the products 5, prepared by hydroxy–amine exchange, were unambiguously confirmed by 2D NMR experiments and, for 5a (see ref. 10) and 5b, by comparison with material obtained via route III. Rearrangements of 17 into β-amino piperidines via the sequence of mesylation–aziridinium formation–nucleophilic attack at C-2 with ring enlargement were not observed. It has been shown that such rearrangements do not occur under mild mesylation conditions and with amines as the nucleophiles, see:
See also: