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Thromb Haemost 2001; 86(04): 959-972
DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1616518
Review Article
Schattauer GmbH

Structure and Biology of Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor

Madhu S. Bajaj
1   Department of Internal Medicine, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, New York, NY
Jens J. Birktoft
2   X-tal Designs, New York, NY
Sarah A. Steer
1   Department of Internal Medicine, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, New York, NY
S. Paul Bajaj
1   Department of Internal Medicine, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, New York, NY
3   Departments of Pathology and Pharmacological and Physiological Sciences, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, MO, USA
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