Nervenheilkunde, Table of Contents Nervenheilkunde 2009; 28(11): 843-846DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1627155 Geist & Gehirn Schattauer GmbH Moral in Millisekunden! – Ethik im EEG? M. Spitzer Recommend Article Abstract Buy Article Full Text References Literatur 1 Greene JD. From neural ‘is’ to moral ‘ought’: What are the moral implications of neuroscientific moral psychology?. Nat Rev Neurosci 2003; 4: 847-850. 2 Kisley MA, Wood S, Burrows CL. Looking at the sunny side of life: Age-related change in an eventrelated potential measure of the negativity bias. Psychol Sci 2007; 18: 838-843. 3 Kutas M, Hillyard SA. Brain potentials during reading reflect word expectancy and semantic association. Nature 1984; 307: 161-163. 4 Kutas M, Van Petten C, Kluender R. Psycholinguistics electrified II (1994–2005). In: Traxler M, Gernsbacher MA. (Hrsg). Handbook of psycholinguistics. 2nd ed. New York: Elsevier; 2006: 659-724. 5 Lau EF, Phillips C, Poeppel D. A cortical network for semantics: (De)constructing the N400. Nat Rev Neurosci 2008; 9: 920-933. 6 Morris JP, Squires NK, Taber CS, Lodge M. Activation of political attitudes: a psychophysiological examination of the hot cognition hypothesis. Political Psychol 2003; 24: 727-745. 7 Otten M, Van Berkum JJA. Discourse-based anticipation during language processing: prediction or priming?. Discourse Process 2008; 45: 464-496. 8 Pizzagalli DA, Lehmann D, Hendrick AM, Regard M, Pascual-Marqui RD, Davidson RJ. Affective judgments of faces modulate early activity (160 ms) within the fusiform gyri. NeuroImage 2002; 16: 663-677. 9 Schupp HT, Öhman A, Junghöfer M, Weike AI, Stockburger J, Hamm AO. The facilitated processing of threatening faces: an ERP analysis. Emotion 2004; 4: 189-200. 10 Smith NK, Cacioppo JT, Larsen JT, Chartrand TL. May I have your attention, please: electrocortical responses to positive and negative stimuli. Neuropsychologia 2003; 41: 171-183. 11 Spitzer M. Ethik im Scanner: Zur Geburt eines Wissenschaftszweiges. Nervenheilkunde 2001; 20: 289-592. 12 Spitzer M. Vom Geld zur Aktion. Unbewusste Motivation im Scanner. Nervenheilkunde 2007; 26: 710-712. 13 Spitzer M. Soziale Neurowissenschaft: Zur kognitiven Neurowissenschaft sozialer Prozesse oder warum Vorurteile dumm machen. Nervenheilkunde 2004; 23: 1-4. 14 Spitzer M. Der Mandelkern und die metakognitive Kernkompetenz. Gehirnforschung für die Schule. Nervenheilkunde 2003; 22: 216-219. 15 Van Berkum JJA, Holleman B, Nieuwland M, Otten M, Murre J. Right or wrong? The brain’s fast response to morally objectionable statements. Psychol Sci 2009; 20 (Suppl. 09) 1092-1099.