Methods of Information in Medicine, Table of Contents Methods Inf Med 2001; 40(04): 272-274DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1634169 Editorial Schattauer GmbH Processing Medical Data, Information and Knowledge: New Opportunities in the Information Society R. Haux , A.T. McCray Recommend Article Abstract Buy Article Full Text References References 1 van Bemmel J. Editorial. Methods Inf Med 2001; 40: 168-9. 2 Juhasz VP, Nyiri M. A simple coding system for edge-punched cards. Methods Inf Med 1965; Jun 4 (Suppl. 02) 99-101. 3 Vallbona C, Spencer WA, Levy AH, Baker RL, Liss DM, Pope SB. An online computer system for a rehabilitation hospital. Methods Inf Med 1968; Jan 7 (Suppl. 01) 31-9. 4 Yoder RD. Adapting a general purpose information processing system to a new environment. Methods Inf Med 1969; Oct 8 (Suppl. 04) 192-7. 5 Collen MF, Davis LS, van Brunt EE. The computer medical record in health screening. Methods Inf Med 1971; Jul 10 (Suppl. 03) 138-42. 6 de Dombal FT, Horrocks JC, Staniland JR, Guillou PJ. Pattern-recognition: a comparison of the performance of clinicians and nonclinicians – with a note on the performance of a computer-based system. Methods Inf Med 1972; Jan 11 (Suppl. 01) 32-7. 7 Levi S, Grant JR, Westphal MC, Lurie D. Development of a decision guide – optimal discriminators for meningitis as determined by statistical analysis. Methods Inf Med 1976; Apr 15 (Suppl. 02) 87-90. 8 van Styvendaele BJ. The making of an RNA phage bibliography with personal information retrieval by microcomputer. Methods Inf Med 1979; Jul 18 (Suppl. 03) 158-64. 9 Walsh TR, Lindberg DA, Klink Jr EJ, Sharp GC. Computer-assisted Bayesian diagnosis of connective tissue diseases. Methods Inf Med 1981; Jan 20 (Suppl. 01) 19-23. 10 Ferber G. Syntactic pattern recognition of intermittent EEG activity. Methods Inf Med 1985; Apr 24 (Suppl. 02) 79-84. 11 Tautu P, Wagner G. A stochastic model for the inheritance of the cancer proneness phenotype. Methods Inf Med 1987; Jul 26 (Suppl. 03) 117-23. 12 Pilz L, Tautu P. Causality and validation of mathematical models. Methods Inf Med 1988; Oct 27 (Suppl. 04) 153-4. 13 Zvarova J, Vacek Z. Medical education system in Czechoslovakia: achievements and perspectives of medical informatics education. Methods Inf Med 1989; Nov 28 (Suppl. 04) 246-9. 14 Gallus G, Radaelli G, Marchi M. Poisson approximation to a negative binomial process in the surveillance of rare health events. Methods Inf Med 1991; Aug 30 (Suppl. 03) 206-9. 15 Tu SW, Kemper CA, Lane NM, Carlson RW, Musen MA. A methodology for determining patients’ eligibility for clinical trials. Methods Inf Med 1993; Aug 32 (Suppl. 04) 317-25. 16 Woelk GB, Moyo IM. Development of a computerized information system in the Harare City Health Department. Methods Inf Med 1995; Jun 34 (Suppl. 03) 297-301. 17 Bernauer J, Schoop D. Formal classification of medical concept descriptions: graph-oriented operators. Methods Inf Med 1998; Nov 37 (4-5): 510-7. 18 Sekine M, Tamura T, Akay M, Togawa T, Fukui Y. Analysis of acceleration signals using wavelet transform. Methods Inf Med 2000; Jun 39 (Suppl. 02) 183-5. 19 Hayashi Y, Kosugi Y, He B. A network inversion technique for estimating equivalent dipole description of visual evoked potential. Methods Inf Med 2000; Jun 39 (Suppl. 02) 134-7. 20 Martini P. Principles of controlled clinical trials. Methods Inf Med 1962; Jan 1 (Suppl. 01) 1-5. 21 Herrera L. The organization of cooperative effort by multiple hospitals, exemplified by testing of therapeutic agents in rheumatoid arthritis. Methods Inf Med 1962; Jan 1 (Suppl. 01) 6-8. 22 Southern WA. Mechanized processing and retrieval of bio-medical information. Methods Inf Med 1962; Jan 1 (Suppl. 01) 16-21. 23 Methods Inf Med. 1962 Jan 1 (1): 28. 24 EITO.. The new edition of the European Information Technology Observatory. Frank-furt/Main: European Information Technology Observatory (EITO); 2000. p. 378 384, 2000. 25 Van Bemmel JH. Medical Informatics, Art or Science?. Methods Inf Med 1996; Sep 35 (Suppl. 03) 157-72. 26 Luscombe NM, Greenbaum D, Gerstein M. What is bioinformatics? An introduction and overview. Methods Inf Med 2001; 40: 346-58. 27 Van Bemmel JH. Medical data, information, and knowledge (Editorial). Methods Inf Med 1988; Jul 27 (Suppl. 02) 109-10.