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DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-830335
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York
Effect of a Previous Sprint on the Parameters of the Work-Time to Exhaustion Relationship in High Intensity Cycling
Publication History
Accepted after revision: July 28, 2004
Publication Date:
26 November 2004 (online)

The relationships between both metabolic (E) and mechanical (W) energy expended and exhaustion time (te), was determined for 11 well-trained subjects during constant load cycloergometric exercises at 95, 100, 110, 115 % maximal aerobic power performed both from rest and, without interruption, after an all-out sprint of 7 s. These relationships were well described by straight lines: y = a + bte, where b was taken as the critical power (metabolic and mechanical) that can be sustained for long periods of time. b was unaffected by the exercise conditions and amounted to 82 - 94 % of maximal aerobic metabolic and mechanical power. The constant a was taken as the anaerobic stores capacity in excess of the O2 deficit. When the test was preceded by the sprint, a (metabolic and mechanical) was reduced to about 60 - 70 % of control values. This reduction was essentially equal to the corresponding E and W output during the sprint. These data support the view that the slope of linear regressions of E and W on te is indeed a measure of the critical power, whereas the y intercept of these same regressions is a measure of the anaerobic capacity.
Key words
Anaerobic work capacity - critical power - endurance time - exercise - maximal aerobic power - oxygen uptake kinetics
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Richard A. P. Heubert
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