DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Issue 07 · Volume 26 · September 2005 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-4312

Physiology & Biochemistry

Collomp, K.; Le Panse, B.; Portier, H.; Lecoq, A.-M.; Jaffre, C.; Beaupied, H.; Richard, O.; Benhamou, L.; Courteix, D.; De Ceaurriz, J.: Effects of Acute Salbutamol Intake During a Wingate Test
Le Panse, B.; Collomp, K.; Portier, H.; Lecoq, A.-M.; Jaffre, C.; Beaupied, H.; Richard, O.; Benhamou, L.; De Ceaurriz, J.; Courteix, D.: Effects of Short-Term Salbutamol Ingestion During a Wingate Test
Dekerle, J.; Pelayo, P.; Clipet, B.; Depretz, S.; Lefevre, T.; Sidney, M.: Critical Swimming Speed Does not Represent the Speed at Maximal Lactate Steady State
Heubert, R. A. P.; Quaresima, V.; Laffite, L. P.; Koralsztein, J. P.; Billat, V. L.: Acute Moderate Hypoxia Affects the Oxygen Desaturation and the Performance but not the Oxygen Uptake Response
Fehrenbach, E.; Niess, A. M.; Voelker, K.; Northoff, H.; Mooren, F. C.: Exercise Intensity and Duration Affect Blood Soluble HSP72

Training & Testing

Striegel, H.; Emde, F.; Ploog, N.; Roecker, K.; Horstmann, T.; Dickhuth, H.-H.: Determining Anaerobic Capacity Using Treadmill Ergometry
Heubert, R. A. P.; Billat, V. L.; Chassaing, P.; Bocquet, V.; Morton, R. H.; Koralsztein, J. P.; di Prampero, P. E.: Effect of a Previous Sprint on the Parameters of the Work-Time to Exhaustion Relationship in High Intensity Cycling

Orthopedics & Biomechanics

Divert, C.; Mornieux, G.; Baur, H.; Mayer, F.; Belli, A.: Mechanical Comparison of Barefoot and Shod Running

Clinical Sciences

Behavioral Sciences