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DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-867107
Current Management of Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Injuries at Texas Children's Hospital Brachial Plexus Center and Baylor College of Medicine
Publication History
Publication Date:
04 April 2005 (online)

Obstetrical brachial plexus injuries are reported in the medical literature at a rate of 0.38 to 2.6 per thousand live births. Historically, the management of these lesions has been conservative, with observation and physical therapy as the primary modalities of treatment. However, experience has shown that a small majority of these devastating lesions have required more direct and invasive approaches. The experience gathered over a 15-year time span of managing these cervical nerve injuries has afforded the Texas Children's Hospital Brachial Plexus team the opportunity to come to several conclusions regarding the global treatment of these patients. The first is that diagnosis, observation, and therapy are the initial approaches to these injuries and should be initiated immediately. Second, early surgical intervention is essential to maximizing the long-term improvements in select patients by helping to prevent residual growth deformities and underdevelopment of the affected limbs. Third, the development of secondary residual deformities must be addressed with secondary reconstructive procedures to arrest the underdevelopment of affected limbs. These goals of reconstruction have been implemented over a period of 15 years and have been shown to provide marked improvements in the functionality and quality of life in patients affected with these physically disabling lesions.
Brachial plexus - peripheral nerve injury - obstetrical injury
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Saleh M ShenaqM.D.
Department of Plastic Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine
6560 Fannin, Suite 800, Houston, TX 77030