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DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-867111
Second Shoulder and Elbow Reanimation Procedures in Late Obstetrical Paralysis Patients
Publication History
Publication Date:
04 April 2005 (online)

Obstetrical brachial plexus palsy invariably involves the upper roots. The natural history of the injury shows that if the condition is left untreated, spontaneous reinnervation that occurs in a variable degree in these patients leaves characteristic deformities of the shoulder and elbow. Common sequelae are the internal rotation and adduction deformity of the shoulder, and elbow flexion contractures. Early microsurgical reconstruction of the affected plexus leads to more rewarding overall function of the shoulder and elbow, but residual deformities might appear again, similar to the ones noticed in untreated cases, that are even less serious. Thus, secondary procedures are mandatory to reanimating the shoulder and elbow, and especially to provide adequate abduction and external rotation of the shoulder and a more neutral appearance of the elbow regarding flexion-extension equilibrium.
Obstetric - brachial plexus paralysis - secondary procedures - shoulder - elbow deformities
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