Introduction There is a great interest of organic chemists in hypervalent iodine reagents because a wide range of reactions can be performed selectively under mild conditions and, in some cases, catalytically.
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Fluorinated molecules are highly valuable due to the unique characteristics displayed by the fluorine atom.
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4-Iodotoluene difluoride (p -TolIF2 , 1 ) is a hypervalent iodine reagent that promotes chemoselective fluorinations avoiding the use of fluorine gas, as well as the expensive xenon difluoride. Several N-fluoro compounds have been developed as stable and effective fluorinating reagents; their preparation, however, generally demands the use of fluorine gas. Compound 1 is usually preferred over its iodobenzene difluoride analogue because of easier preparation, purification, and handling.
Preparation Compound 1 is commercially available. However, it can be prepared in different ways from 4-iodotoluene.
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In one of them, the use of harmful gases or mercury salts is avoided (Scheme 1).
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Scheme 1