DOI: 10.1055/s-00000015

European Journal of Pediatric Surgery

Issue 04 · Volume 5 · August 1995 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-11649

Original article

Besson, R.; Hladky, J. P.; Dhellemmes, P.; Debeugny, P.: Peritoneal Pseudocyst - Ventriculo-Peritoneal Shunt Complications
Diez-Pardo, J. A.; Mariño, J. M.; Baoquan, Qi; Delgado-Baeza, E.; Fernández, A.; Morales, M. C.; Tovar, J. A.: Neural Tube Defects: An Experimental Model in the Foetal Rat*
Gorrotxategi, P.; Reguilon, M. J.; Arana, J.; Gaztañaga, R.; Elorza, C.; de la Iglesia, E.; Barriola, M.: Gastroesophageal Reflux in Association with the Sandifer Syndrome
Ure, B. M.; Slany, E.; Eypasch, E. P.; Gharib, M.; Holschneider, A. M.; Troidl, H.: Long-Term Functional Results and Quality of Life After Colon Interposition for Long-Gap Oesophageal Atresia
Schweizer, P.; Brambs, H. J.; Schweizer, M.; Astfalk, W.: TIPS: A New Therapy for Esophageal Variceal Bleeding Caused by EHBA
Belloli, G.; D'Agostino, S.; Musi, L.; Campobasso, P.: Adolescent Varicocele: Operative Anatomy and Tricks for Successful Correction
Diez García, R.; Bañuelos, A.; Marín, C.; de Tomás, E.: Peno-Scrotal Transposition
Zaizen, Y.; Ford, E. G.; Shimada, H.; Kosi, M.; Costin, Gerutrude; Atkinson, J. B.: Growth Hormone Effects on Wound Healing in Malnourished Animals: A Histological Study
Iwata, G.; Iwai, N.; Nagashima, M.; Fukata, R.: New Biofeedback Therapy in Children with Encopresis

Case report

Plattner, V.; Haustein, B.; Llanas, B.; Allos, N.; Vergnes, P.; Héloury, Y.: Extra-Lobar Pulmonary Sequestration with Prenatal Diagnosis. A Report of 5 Cases and Review of the Literature
Ulman, İ; Herek, Ö; Özok, G.; Avanoğlu, A.; Erdener, A.: Traumatic Rupture of Mesenteric Cyst: A Life-Threatening Complication of a Rare Lesion
Mboyo, A.; Lemouel, A.; Sohm, O.; Gondy, S.; Destuynder, O.; de Billy, B.; Schirrer, J.; Aubert, D.: Congenital Extra-Hepatic Portocaval Shunt. Concerning a Case of Antenatal Diagnosis
Yamanaka, K.; Suita, S.; Kakumori, S.; Zaizen, Y.; Noguchi, S.; Tsuneyosi, M.: Juvenile Xanthogranuloma of the Pelvic Origin: A Case Report
Babut, J. M.; Coeurdacier, P.; Bawab, F.; Treguier, C.; Fremond, B.: Urinary Fungal Bezoars in Children - Report of Two Cases