DOI: 10.1055/s-00000025

Hormone and Metabolic Research

Ausgabe 03 · Volume 10 · Mai 1978 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-13387


Laube, H.; Wojcikowski, C.; Schatz, H.; Pfeiffer, E. F.: The Effect of High Maltose and Sucrose Feeding on Glucose Tolerance
Abramovici, A.; Sporn, J.; Prager, R.; Shaltiel, A.; Laron, Z.; Liban, E.: Glycogen Metabolism in the Placenta of Streptozotocin Diabetic Rats
Becker, S. G.; Smollin, P. F.; Richardson, D. K.; Czech, M. P.: Insulin Resistance in Epitrochlearis Muscles in the Spontaneously Obese Rat
Takahara, J.; Yunoki, S.; Yamauchi, J.; Yakushiji, W.; Hosogi, H.; Ofuji, T.: Effect of Glucagon on Growth Hormone Secretion in Rats
Morley, J. E.; Klein, C.; Kalk, W. J.; Joffe, B. I.; Saffer, D.; Distiller, L. A.; Seftel, H. C.: Pituitary Responsiveness to Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone in Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
Marotta, S. F.; Witek-Janusek, L.; Yu, M.; Sithichoke, N.; Garcy, A. M.: Adrenal and Plasma Corticosterone of Hepatectomized Rats: Responses during Hepatic Restoration
Otani, M.; Kitazawa, S.; Yamauchi, H.; Meguro, T.; Orimo, Hajime: Stability and the Biological Activity of Eel Calcitonin in Rats

Short Communications

Del Prete, G. F.; Tiengo, A.; Nosadini, R.; Bottazzo, G. F.; Betterle, C.; Bersani, G.: Glucagon Secretion in Two Patients with Autoantibodies to Glucagon-Producing Cells
Murakami, K.; Taniguchi, H.; Hasegawa, M.; Kobayashi, T.; Watanabe, Y.; Seki, M.; Tsutou, A.; Baba, S.: Physiological Significance of Somatostatin in Insulin Release

Maier, V.; Pfeiffer, E. F.: Serumglucagon - What is It?