DOI: 10.1055/s-00000012


Ausgabe 06 · Volume 36 · Juni 2004 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-3417

Original Article

Hurlstone, D. P.; Cross, S. S.; Drew, K.; Adam, I.; Shorthouse, A. J.; Brown, S.; Sanders, D. S.; Lobo, A. J.: An Evaluation of Colorectal Endoscopic Mucosal Resection Using High-Magnification Chromoscopic Colonoscopy: a Prospective Study of 1000 Colonoscopies
Leaper, M.; Johnston, M. J.; Barclay, M.; Dobbs, B. R.; Frizelle, F. A.: Reasons for Failure to Diagnose Colorectal Carcinoma at Colonoscopy
Sakhnini, E.; Lahat, A.; Melzer, E.; Apter, S.; Simon, C.; Natour, M.; Bardan, E.; Bar-Meir, S.: Early Colonoscopy in Patients with Acute Diverticulitis: Results of a Prospective Pilot Study
Petelenz, M.; Gonciarz, M.; Macfarlane, P.; Rudner, R.; Kawecki, P.; Musialik, J.; Jalowiecki, P.; Gonciarz, Z.: Sympathovagal Balance Fluctuates During Colonoscopy
Ohkawa, A.; Miwa, H.; Namihisa, A.; Kobayashi, O.; Nakaniwa, N.; Ohkusa, T.; Ogihara, T.; Sato, N.: Diagnostic Performance of Light-Induced Fluorescence Endoscopy for Gastric Neoplasms
Lang, A.; Bardan, E.; Chowers, Y.; Sakhnini, E.; Fidder, H. H.; Bar-Meir, S.; Avidan, B.: Risk Factors for Mortality in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy
Nathan, T.; Kjeldsen, J.; Schaffalitzky de Muckadell, O. B.: Prediction of Therapy in Primary Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography
Arvanitakis, M.; Van Laethem, J.-L.; Parma, J.; De Maertelaer, V.; Delhaye, M.; Devière, J.: Predictive Factors for Pancreatic Cancer in Patients with Chronic Pancreatitis in Association with K-ras Gene Mutation


Case Report

Shim, C. S.; Jung, I. S.; Bhandari, S.; Ryu, C. B.; Hong, S. J.; Kim, J. O.; Cho, J. Y.; Lee, J. S.; Lee, M. S.; Kim, B. S.: Management of Malignant Strictures of the Cervical Esophagus with a Newly-Designed Self-Expanding Metal Stent

Letter to the Editor

Krüger, M.; Behrens, J.; Länger, F.; Manns, M. P.; Meier, P. N.: Intramucosal Adenocarcinoma of the Appendix
Christensen, M.; Rosenberg, J.: Reply to Dr. Garcia-Cano
Johnston, S. D.; Tham, T. C. K.: Reply to Dr. García-Cano
Naylor, G. M.; O’Mahony, S.: Reply to Drs Heuss and Beglinger

Unusual Cases and Technical Notes

Pichon, N.; Maisonnette, F.; Cessot, F.; Sodji, M.; Sautereau, D.: Colonic Perforations after Gas Explosion Induced by Argon Plasma Coagulation
Weickert, U.; Jakobs, R.; Siegel, E.; Schilling, D.; Riemann, J. F.: Lasso Technique for Retrieval of a Dislocated and Impacted Esophageal Stent

Images in Focus

Ocran, K.; Ortner, M.; Voderholzer, W.: Gastric Penetration of Gastric Bands