DOI: 10.1055/s-00000009

American Journal of Perinatology

Issue 06 · Volume 22 · June 2005 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-4299


Aagaard-Tillery, Kjersti M.; Nuthalapaty, Francis S.; Ramsey, Patrick S.; Ramin, Kirk D.: Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes: Perspectives Surrounding Controversies in Management

Boggess, Kim A.; Lieff, Susan; Murtha, Amy P.; Moss, Kevin; Jared, Heather; Beck, James; Offenbacher, Steven: Maternal Serum C-Reactive Protein Concentration Early in Pregnancy and Subsequent Pregnancy Loss
Elizur, Shai E.; Yinon, Yoav; Epstein, Gil S.; Seidman, Daniel S.; Schiff, Eyal; Sivan, Eyal: Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-1 Detection in Preterm Labor: Evaluation of a Bedside Test
Refuerzo, Jerrie S.; Blackwell, Sean C.; Sokol, Robert J.; Lajeunesse, Lorraine; Firchau, Katherine; Kruger, Michael; Sorokin, Yoram: Use of Over-the-Counter Medications and Herbal Remedies in Pregnancy
Doyle, Nora M.; Riggs, John W.; Ramin, Susan M.; Sosa, Manuel A.; Gilstrap, Larry C.: Outcomes of Term Vaginal Breech Delivery
Bader, David; Yanir, Yoav; Kugelman, Amir; Wilhelm-Kafil, Mira; Riskin, Arieh: Induction of Early Meconium Evacuation: Is It Effective in Reducing the Level of Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia?
Salihu, Hamisu M.; Aliyu, Muktar H.; Sedjro, Jeanine E.; Nabukera, Sarah; Oluwatade, Olatunji J.; Alexander, Greg R.: Teen Twin Pregnancies: Differences in Fetal Growth Outcomes among Blacks and Whites
Kugelman, Amir; Sharif, Dawod; Riskin, Arieh; Chistyakov, Irena; Weinger-Abend, Marta; Bader, David: Prolonged Resuscitation in a Newborn Recovering from Meconium Aspiration Syndrome