DOI: 10.1055/s-00000048

Osteosynthesis and Trauma Care

Issue 02/03 · Volume 15 · September 2007 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-7027


Vécsei, V.: Editorial

Original Article

Stoik, W.; Gäbler, C.; Hauswirth, N.; Jaindl, M.; Marlovits, S.; Vécsei, V.: Os Odontoideum - Meaning and Interpretation in Connection with a Traumatic Incident
Hausmann, J. T.; Bijak, M.; Unger, E.; Vekszler, G.; Schurz, M.; Vécsei, V.: Biomechanical Performance of 2 Sutures Used in Flexor Tendon Repair
Hausmann, J. T.; Aldrian, S.; Petras, N.; Memasardeghi, M.; Gäbler, C.; Vécsei, V.: Proximal Interosseous Membrane Lesions in Simple Radial Head Fractures
Constantinou-Deuretsbacher, E.; Gäbler, C.; Vécsei, V.; Kdolsky, R.: Ulna Impaction Syndrome as a Result of a Radial Head Resection: A Case Description of 3 Patients
Constantinou-Deuretsbacher, E.; Vécsei, V.; Schurz, M.; Kdolsky, R.: Analysis of the Outcome of Arthroscopic Discus Repair in Nine Cases
Pneumaticos, S. G.; Kalliakmanis, A. G.; Nikolaou, V.; Chronopoulos, E.; Papachristou, G.: Volar Plating for Displaced Fractures of the Distal Radius
Schwindel, L.; Statton, J.; Porta, D.; Kress, T.; Roberts, C. S.: Can Pilon Fractures be Created in Vitro? A Biomechanical Study of Axial Loading