DOI: 10.1055/s-00000015

European Journal of Pediatric Surgery

Ausgabe 02 · Volume 03 · Dezember 2015 DOI: 10.1055/s-005-28818

Review Article

Izadpanah, Ali; Viezel-Mathieu, Alex; Izadpanah, Arash; Luc, Mario: Dupuytren Contracture in the Pediatric Population: A Systematic Review

Original Article

Naiditch, Jessica; Lautz, Timothy; Chin, Anthony; Browne, Marybeth; Rowell, Erin: Endoloop as the First Line Tool for Appendiceal Stump Closure in Children with Appendicitis
Zheng, Jiahe; Chang, Zhihui; Liu, Zhaoyu; Lu, Zaiming; Zhao, Jian; Ma, Yujia; Zhang, Jun; Wang, Chuanzhuo; Guo, Qiyong: Retrievable Z-Stents for the Treatment of Refractory Corrosive Esophageal Strictures in Children
Hofmann, Alejandro D.; Hilfiker, Andres; Haverich, Axel; Andree, Birgit; Kuebler, Joachim; Ure, Benno: BioVaM in the Rat Model: A New Approach of Vascularized 3D Tissue for Esophageal Replacement
Kesan, Krushnakumar; Kothari, Paras; Gupta, Rahul; Gupta, Abhaya; Karkera, Parag; Ranjan, Ritesh; Mutkhedkar, Kedar; Sandlas, Gurusev: Closure of Large Meningomyelocele Wound Defects with Subcutaneous Based Pedicle Flap with Bilateral V-Y Advancement: Our Experience and Review of Literature
Tugtepe, Halil; Thomas, David Terence; Kandirici, Aliye; Yener, Sevim; Dagli, Tolga: Should We Routinely Test for Chordee in Patients with Distal Hypospadias?
Klinger, Gil; Carmeli, Idan; Feigin, Elad; Freud, Enrique; Steinberg, Ran; Levy, Itzhak: Compliance with Surgical Antibiotic Prophylaxis Guidelines in Pediatric Surgery
Adorisio, Ottavio; Silveri, Massimiliano; Peppo, Francesco De; Ceriati, Emanuela; Marchetti, Paola; Goyet, Jean De Ville De: YouTube and Pediatric Surgery. What Is the Danger for Parents?
Jayakumar, Sivasankar; Ninan, George Kaithayil; Pringle, Kirsty: Steroid Instillation for Idiopathic Urethritis in Children: An 8-Year experience
Bergholz, Robert; Klein, Ines; Wenke, Katharina; Boettcher, Michael; Reinshagen, Konrad; Krebs, Thomas: Midterm Outcome of Transumbilically Laparoscopic-Assisted Versus Laparoscopic and Open Appendectomy in Children—A Matched Prospective Study