DOI: 10.1055/s-00025476

Endoscopy International Open

Ausgabe 07 · Volume 04 · Juli 2016 DOI: 10.1055/s-006-32130



Case report

Miyaoka, Youichi; Fujiwara, Aya; Kotani, Satoshi; Tsukano, Kosuke; Ogawa, Sayaka; Yamanouchi, Satoshi; Kusunoki, Ryusaku; Fujishiro, Hirofumi; Kohge, Naruaki; Yamamoto, Tomohiko; Amano, Yuji: Primary micropapillary carcinoma of the colon with submucosal invasion: A case report
Yamabe, Akane; Irisawa, Atsushi; Shibukawa, Goro; Hoshi, Koki; Fujisawa, Mariko; Igarashi, Ryo; Sato, Ai; Maki, Takumi; Hojo, Hiroshi: Rare condition of needle tract seeding after EUS-guided FNA for intraductal papillary mucinous carcinoma
Schiffmann, Leif; Roth, Marin; Kuehn, Florian: PEG closure in the second attempt
Ohata, Ken; Nonaka, Kouichi; Sakai, Eiji; Minato, Yohei; Satodate, Hitoshi; Watanabe, Kazuteru; Matsuhashi, Nobuyuki: Novel technique of endoscopic full-thickness resection for superficial nonampullary duodenal neoplasms to avoid intraperitoneal tumor dissemination

Original article

Kato, Minoru; Ishihara, Ryu; Hamada, Kenta; Tonai, Yusuke; Yamasaki, Yasushi; Matsuura, Noriko; Kanesaka, Takashi; Yamamoto, Sachiko; Akasaka, Tomofumi; Hanaoka, Noboru; Takeuchi, Yoji; Higashino, Koji; Uedo, Noriya; Iishi, Hiroyasu: Endoscopic surveillance of head and neck cancer in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
Nelson, Kirbylee K.; Lipka, Seth; Davis-Yadley, Ashley H.; Rodriguez, Andrea C.; Doraiswamy, Vignesh; Rabbanifard, Roshanak; Kumar, Ambuj; Brady, Patrick G.: Timing of single balloon enteroscopy: significant or not?
Bonatto, Mauro W.; Kotze, Luiz; Orlandoski, Marcia; Tsuchyia, Ricardo; de Carvalho, Carlos A.; Lima, Doryane; Kurachi, Gustavo; Orso, Ivan R.B.; Kotze, Lorete: Endoscopic evaluation of celiac disease severity and its correlation with histopathological aspects of the duodenal mucosa
van der Vlugt, Manon; van Doorn, Sascha Corrie; Wang, Junfeng; Bastiaansen, Barbara AJ; Brosens, Lowewijk AA; Fockens, Paul; Dekker, Evelien: Optical diagnosis of malignant colorectal polyps: is it feasible?
Suzuki, Haruhisa; Oda, Ichiro; Sekiguchi, Masau; Abe, Seiichiro; Nonaka, Satoru; Yoshinaga, Shigetaka; Saito, Yutaka: Factors associated with incomplete gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection due to misdiagnosis
Geyl, Sophie; Legros, Romain; Charissou, Aurélie; Mesturoux, Laura; Couquet, Claude-Yves; Carrier, Paul; Brayette, Anaïs; El-Ouafi, Zora; Loustaud-Ratti, Veronique; Sautereau, Denis; Monteil, Jacques; Jacques, Jérémie: Peroral endoscopic pyloromyotomy accelerates gastric emptying in healthy pigs: proof of concept
Dohi, Osamu; Yagi, Nobuaki; Onozawa, Yuriko; Kimura-Tsuchiya, Reiko; Majima, Atsushi; Kitaichi, Tomoko; Horii, Yusuke; Suzuki, Kentaro; Tomie, Akira; Okayama, Tetsuya; Yoshida, Naohisa; Kamada, Kazuhiro; Katada, Kazuhiro; Uchiyama, Kazuhiko; Ishikawa, Takeshi; Takagi, Tomohisa; Handa, Osamu; Konishi, Hideyuki; Naito, Yuji; Itoh, Yoshito: Linked color imaging improves endoscopic diagnosis of active Helicobacter pylori infection
Takano, Yuichi; Nagahama, Masatsugu; Maruoka, Naotaka; Yamamura, Eiichi; Ohike, Nobuyuki; Norose, Tomoko; Takahashi, Hiroshi: Clinical features of gallstone impaction at the ampulla of Vater and the effectiveness of endoscopic biliary drainage without papillotomy
Mounzer, Rawad; Yen, Roy; Marshall, Carrie; Sams, Sharon; Mehrotra, Sanjana; Said, Mohamed Sherif; Obuch, Joshua C.; Brauer, Brian; Attwell, Augustin; Fukami, Norio; Shah, Raj; Amateau, Stuart; Hall, Matthew; Hosford, Lindsay; Wilson, Robert; Rastogi, Amit; Wani, Sachin: Interobserver agreement among cytopathologists in the evaluation of pancreatic endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration cytology specimens
Berger, Thomas; Classen, Martin; Engelhardt, Harald; Keller, Klaus-Michael; Laass, Martin W.; Melchior, Ralph; Posovszky, Carsten; Rodeck, Burkhard; Schaper, Katharina; Behrens, Rolf: Bowel preparation in pediatric colonoscopy: results of an open observational study

Letter to the editor

Mavrogenis, Georgios; Moreels, Tom G.; Chevaux, Jean-Baptiste; Thoma, Maximilien; Deprez, Pierre; Piessevaux, Hubert: Management of long post-radiation esophageal strictures by means of endoscopic submucosal dissection
Perbtani, Yaseen; Suarez, Alejandro L.; Wagh, Mihir S.: Endoscopic restoration of the esophagus